Chapter 22

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~ Chapter Twenty-Two ~ 

The sound of my alarm jolts me out of a deep sleep. It's Monday and I know there is plenty of work for me to do, but all I want to do is be with my sexy boy. I turn off my alarm and feel Jamie snuggle against me. 

"Do you have to go in today?" His raspy morning voice sounds heavenly. 

"I know, I don't want to go, but I must. 

"I know how I could make you stay." 

"I know, but I really need to keep my job as well as my bosses happy with me." 

"Let's take a shower together." 

"That's an offer I can't refuse." 

After our shower, I quickly dress for work and as I finish styling my hair, I hear Jamie's phone ring and he answers it. 

"Hey man, you're back as well." 

Jamie gestures for me to wait a minute. 

"Everything is perfect. She's fine and here with me now." 

He chuckles and throws me a wink. 

"I know, I was thinking the worst, man. I was wondering if you could you meet me for lunch today? I want to talk to you about some things." 

I stop and look over at his expression. His lips are tightly pressed together and he's staring through the headboard in deep, serious concentration. 

"Yah, one o'clock sounds perfect. Cheers, man." And he hangs up.  

"Will you finish zipping me up?" I swing my long hair forward over my shoulder and turn around for him. 

Zipping the zipper down, my dress starts to fall off my shoulders. "Jamie!" I grab my dress as it slips down. 

"Ohhh, you want it on? But you look so nice with it off." He spins me around. "I can't resist your beautiful creamy skin against this lace bustier." 

"Nice try." 

"Oh I assure you I'm not finished with you yet, my little temptress." He says in a deep seductive tone, as he cups my face and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.  

Inches from his manly muscular chest, I kiss his skin and inhale his freshly showered scent as he captures me with his intoxicating presence. Like a bee drawn to honey, I hunger for him always. 

"Jamie, you know I can't resist you." I moan in frustration. 

"Right, well then let me give you a little sample of what I wish I could do to you for the rest of the morning." He murmurs and begins kissing my bare shoulder and across my chest. Still clinging to my falling dress, he peels it down beneath my breast and cups one side while drawing the other deep into his mouth. Sucking gently and licking the taut tip, he moans and I reply in approval. Slowly he stands up, towering over me and I rub over his chest as I breathe rapidly into his soft chest hair." 

Tucking my thumbs in his soft boxer-briefs, I slide them down as I murmur in an exasperated breathless fashion, "Slide my panties off and sit on the edge of the bed." 

Without skipping a beat, Jamie responds instantly. I step out of my panties once they hit the floor and Jamie readily sits down. 

"I'm achingly sooooo ready for you sexy boy." Touching his shoulder gently, I nudge him to slightly lean back and relax. Climbing up on his lap, I straddle his manhood and watch it harden and grow before my eyes. Upright on my knees, bare in front of him, Jamie manipulates my breasts erotically with his skillful tongue. Feeling my insides quiver and awaken all my sensitive nerve endings, I grab his face and devour his lips and tongue, then slide down onto his hardness in one smooth motion. 

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