Chapter 3

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~ Chapter Three ~ 

"How in the hell can it be colder than yesterday?" Erika jogs up next to me from behind. She's wearing a long black puffy coat, matching red hat and gloves, and black boots. 

"Good Morning Sunshine!" I chuckle. "Where's your hot latte?" 

"I'm grabbing one at Java's. We are supposed to get loads of snow late this evening! Will Nate be closing early tonight?" 

"Probably not, I know Lizzie wants to stop by after work. Will you join us?" 


"Good, I've been feeling like a third wheel lately." 

"Why? Your brother and Lizzie adore you. Listen, I'll be your date! Problem solved." 

"Aw, you always have my back, Erika." 

"Like your favorite cashmere sweater baby! Hey, I'm grabbing a couple of cappuccinos at Java's. Would you like anything?" 

"No thanks. Be careful, it's slippery." 

"Right, I will. See you upstairs." 

Stepping into the revolving door, I breeze into the busy atrium of the building. I casually wave to the security guard and he gives me a friendly wink. 

"Have a great day Ms. Harrington. If you need anything, just call." 

"Thank you!" I wave with a smile. I feel much safer knowing he is on the lookout for Aiden. 

I wait for the lift behind several business men and women, all dressed in suits. Today, I'm wearing my new black pencil skirt, a silver wrap blouse tied to the side of my waist and a long silver necklace, and my piece de la resistance: my Jimmy Choo black patent heels. It's one of my new outfits and makes me feel fashionable and confident. The call button has already been pushed so I calmly try to collect and prepare my thoughts for the day's events. Eventually, the lift signals its arrival and the doors slowly slide open. Like a herd of sheep, we all shuffle tightly into the lift. 

"Ah!" I gasp and grab the back of my skirt as hot, scalding liquid runs down the back of my leg! 

"Shit! Are you alright? Here, let me help you. I'm so sorry!"  

"Oh I'll be fine..." I turn around to see a tall, bearded man wearing an Irish wool cap and black cashmere coat. He quickly wipes the back of my skirt and pats my leg dry with his grey Burberry scarf. I notice his strong and well-manicured hands. His eyes look apologetic, and his lips are pressed in a hard line. 

"Thank you Sir. Honestly, I'll be fine." 

As we all settle into our places on the elevator, the bearded man is still standing behind me over my left shoulder. An awkward silence hangs in the air as we all stare up at the numbers lighting up to indicate which floor we are passing.  

"Please...take my scarf to dry yourself off..." I hear whispered in my left ear. "I feel terrible." 

Without turning around, I tip my head back toward him to whisper, "You're very kind Sir; however, it's really not necessary. Thank you for the gesture." I step forward quickly remembering a scheduled conference call I have now and exit the crowded elevator, "Excuse me please."  

Clicking her pen, Lizzy is in deep thought staring at her desk. I can tell she has been thinking about Nate all day. 

Erika looks curiously over at Lizzy and then smirks at me with a knowing look. 

"It's six o'clock. Shall we call it a day, ladies?" Erika turns off her computer monitor. "I sense we are all eager to get out of this stuffy office and head over to the pub for the evening." 

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