Chapter 12

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~ Chapter Twelve ~

The next morning arrives painfully early. I walk into the bathroom and notice my eyes are swollen and red. So I shuffle out to the kitchen and make an ice pack for the swelling. I quietly drink a cup of coffee and quickly get ready for work so Jamie doesn't see my face this way. I leave a note for him next to the coffee press and his mug.  

Good Morning!

Left for work and I didn't want to wake you. 

Call me later. Miss you already.



Plodding into work and settling in for the day, my mind is cycling through curious questions I need Jamie to answer. What was Katerina referring to when she mentioned the Paris photo shoot? Was Jamie involved with her then? How did they all know each other?  

About an hour later, Lizzy arrives all smiles and quickly throws her handbag and tote down on her chair. A greedy gossip-hound would accurately describe her demeanor as she bops over to sit on the edge of my desk, which is totally unlike her. 

"Give me the whole luscious scoop! How was the party? Did you meet anyone famous?" After looking at me for two seconds, her excitement vanishes, "Wait, have you been crying?" 

Placing my face in my hands with my elbows resting on the desk, Lizzy pulls up a chair and enquires why. I tell her about the fun we had before arriving at the party and how the night went to hell after meeting Katerina and Alexis. 

"Unbelievable! What the hell did she mean regarding Paris?" 

"That's what I would like to know! I was too busy crying when I should have asked Jamie all the questions that I'm just now thinking to ask him. But I left as quickly and quietly as I could this morning so he wouldn't see my face puffed up like an engorged blowfish! I look and feel hideous, which is exactly what I don't need right now." 

"Lizzy, I felt like a guppy swimming in a lake of piranhas! I can't compete with a room full of intimidating, tall, physically blessed women? It sucks!" 

"So he said he doesn't want to date anyone in the business and he's been looking for someone like you?" Her eyes capture mine with a look of concern for my sanity. Laying a consoling hand on my arm, her voice becomes maternal, "Is that what he said?" 

"In summary yes," I know that look. She is just about to make a poignant remark. 

Lizzy breathes a long sigh and sits back in her chair. "Right, I think it would be wise for you to listen carefully to his words Audrey. I mean really listen with your heart. I understand why you want to take this relationship slowly and be extra cautious about trusting Jamie, or anyone, after the last year you experienced; but he didn't just talk the talk, he followed through with actions. Jamie made you his number one priority, last night. He sought you out immediately. He stood up for you. He protected you. He took you to a place that made you feel safe and professed his love for you. Audrey, one day you're going to have to trust another man again or you might let the wrong person slip away." 

Perfect timing, my phone signals a received text and it's him. 

Jamie: I missed you this morning.  

Call me. X

"That's Jamie wanting me to call him." 

"Sounds like a man that knows what he wants." She winks. 

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