Chapter 4

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~ Chapter Four ~ 

Stepping outside, the crisp cold air feels refreshing. Snowflakes are floating steadily to the ground like snow in a shaken snow globe, while the street lamps cast a warm glow. Not one person is on the street and it feels like time is standing still. Jamie and I are the only two souls around, just us, standing on an abandoned street under a big grey blanket of night sky surrounded by silence and fresh falling snowflakes. 

Breaking the silence, the snow crunches under our footsteps as we walk closer to the curb searching for a cab. I feel tipsy and a bit too warm from the pub or the wine. I'm not sure which, but the cold, crisp air feels refreshing. I glance up at Jamie from under a lock of hair that has fallen across my eye. Like a black and white magazine photo, Jamie hails a taxi cab with his hand in the air. Cloaked in his long wool coat and scarf looking very dapper, he exudes strength, power and authority wrapped in one divine, gorgeous package. Sitting down the street a London taxi makes a u-turn in the road and pulls over to the curb. 

"Hold on to me. Be careful, it's slippery." Who says chivalry is dead! And Jamie makes it soooo sexy. 

I adore the way he insists helping me to the black taxi and thankfully he did. Sliding in my heels, Jamie pulls me securely against his body, hovering over me. His lips are so close and slightly parted, I can almost taste him. The electricity is palpable between us and unbearable to ignore. His eyes speak volumes: he wants me as much as I want him. His eyes blink to break the intense moment and he opens the door. 

I climb in and Jamie slides in next to me. 

"Would you like to have a coffee at my place?" He inquires with an intoxicating murmur. "No pressure, but I'd like to see you again if you decide it is best to go home." 

"Well, I uh..." I hear Erika cheering in my head, LLA baby! "Your place sounds lovely." I smile and settle in next to him as we snuggle closely pretending to keep warm. Unbeknownst to him, I can't even feel the temperature of the frigid air, only his solid, embrace wrapping me in bliss. 

Giving the driver his street address, Jamie looks at me with his sweet smile and my chest swells with excitement. 

"Are you going to ask me what your brother said to me?" 

"No, I'm sure it was the usual." I wave my scarf to feign indifference. 

"Oh really?" He smiles and chuckles. 

"Let's see, he took your address and phone info? Then promised he would find you if anything slightly suspicious appeared in your background check." 

Jamie gives me a surprised look. 

"I know his M.O., Jamie. He keeps track of me like a child, even though I'm twenty-eight, work, and completely support myself. He is predictable and relentlessly protective." 

"As well as he should be." Jamie concurs as he tucks the loose strand of hair behind my ear. 

"What else did he say?" I ask with a nervous smile. His beauty is so intimidating. 

"He said that he knew we both just met, so he didn't feel comfortable with his sister going anywhere with me until I gave him some I.D. You are all he has and that's just the way it is. I said I understood and gave him my driver's license and my phone numbers from my phone, plus my new business card. Hopefully, I won't need my license for anything until tomorrow." 

"Really, you gave him your license? That was brilliant!" I fidget with my scarf and stare into his eyes admirably. 

"Look Audrey, I get it. He's doing the right thing by protecting you. All my intentions toward you are in good faith. You are a sweet girl and... special." 

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