Mysteries and Meetings (8)

183 13 18

Bakugou's P.O.V

"I'm not a baby!"

I sprung forward, gripping the edge of the bed.
He winced as the metal chair collided with the tile, a loud clang ringing around the room.

"You could've gotten killed! I don't want you on the case anymore!" I hissed, my knuckles turning white from pressure as I gripped the railing.

"I am a grown man Bakugou! I can handle myself." His voice cracked and I glared at his hands, forcing myself not to look at his face.

"You really fucking proved that today huh? You're off the case and that's final. I will put you in house arrest if need be. Don't test me Kirishima." I released the railing and grabbed my jacket, slinging it over my shoulder.

The smallest of whimpers echoed behind me and I shook my head.
I can't give in.
He could've gotten killed.
I don't know what I would've done if he did.
I have to keep him safe.

Gripping the handle, I yanked the door open and stepped outside the room, pulling it closed behind me.

"Goodbye Bakugou."

I willed myself not to respond.

People moved out of my way as I stomped down the hallway, my glare trained on the speckled tile beneath my feet.

Chilly air clawed at my skin once I exited the building, the thin white button-up doing nothing to keep me warm.

A ding sounded from my pocket and I aggressively pulled the phone out of my jacket, glaring at the screen.

Unknown Number:
Hey, this is Mine Ashido from the bar the other night. I'm Kirishima's friend. I wanted to ask if he's okay, he hasn't been answering his phone.

He's at the hospital right now, I don't care to explain but it's the one not far from the small corner cafe on the outskirts of Okinawa. Room 132, first floor. Don't text me again.

I closed the app and put the phone in my jean pocket this time, sliding on my black jacket and sitting down in the car I had just arrived at.

Putting the key in the ignition, I turned on the engine and buckled, pulling out of the hospital and onto the road.

The paper in my pocket was drifting around in my mind as I thought about going to see what this guy wanted.

I decided to go, even though my conscience was telling me not to.
I still had time, it was tomorrow after all.


Sliding the black turtleneck on over a simple white tank top and light wash blue jeans, I grabbed an orange sweatshirt for good measure.

My belongings I carried were simple: ID, keys, phone, gun.
I'd rather not risk getting robbed.

The car purred to life and I backed out of the garage, onto the fairly empty streets.

Minutes ticked by as I drove with soft music playing in the background, my mind anywhere but here.

Worry and wonder filled my mind. I wondered if Kirishima was okay, prayed he was. I wondered what could possibly happen at the fucking gas station I was told to meet at.

Nothin good, that much was for sure.


Gravel crackled beneath the tires and I rolled up my window, gazing at the sight before me.

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