Dirty Dancing (4)

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A/N: Yes I know this is a movie, it's one of my favorite older movies, but I'm using this as the chapter name. Also, this chapter contains some mature content, no smut, but in the backstory I didn't fully mention that Kiri used to be a stripper. So yeah.

Kirishima's P.O.V

"Bakugou get your shoes and keys, we're going somewhere!" I shouted from my closet, slipping on a simple baby blue shirt and black skinny jeans.

I heard jingling and cursing erupt from the kitchen and I smiled to myself, putting on my socks and shoes as well as a black leather jacket.

"I'm gonna be out in the car! Hurry your ass up!" The blond shouted from somewhere in the house.

"No you aren't, Bakugou wait for me in my garage, I'll be out in a sec!" Snatching my motorcycle keys off the hook, I jogged to the door and locked it, heading outside to the garage.

"The fuck are we out here for dumb hair?"

"We're taking my motorcycle, you drive us in your car so I'm taking you out for a ride and to a bar where we might see the guy."

I plopped down on my seat and balanced my weight, moving the kickstand up as I started the bike.
"Grab the helmets please, use the black one, and sit down. You'll have to wrap your arms around my waist to hold on the best and lean into the turns, we want to move in sync."

He nodded and passed me my helmet, putting on the one I said he could use. After we were ready he sat down and leaned on me slightly, his muscles tense.

"No no no, relax. We'll be fine, take a few deep breaths and wrap your arms around me."

Bakugou did as I said, minus the arms around my waist, and I sighed with something other people would've called fondness.

"Bakugou our your arms out," I shut off the bike and half-turned to look at him.

The blond put his arms out in front of him and I grabbed his hands gently in my own, sliding them around my waist and having his fingers lock in front of me.
"There, now lean on my back and we'll be ready to go."

The irritation on his face was clear as day even through the helmet but he complied and rested his head slightly on my shoulder.

"Alright, we're good to go babe," to my surprise Bakugou didn't respond, just wrapped his arms tighter around my waist as I turned on the bike.

Then I realized why. He was scared.
I chuckled quietly and it was easily drowned out by the engine firing up as the bike growled to life beneath us.

Bakugou jumped slightly behind me and I patted his hands that rested on my stomach, causing them to twitch in surprise.

I began to turn and slowly drive the bike forward, opening the garage door so we could exit.
When we got to the end of the driveway I stopped and let us sit for a minute, reaching a hand down to rest on the blond's hands.

Unlacing his fingers, a hand grabbed mine and I held it tightly, rubbing a thumb over his knuckles comfortingly. He nodded against my shoulder and I removed his hand from mine, gripping the handles again and I balanced out our weight and we moved forward.


Parking the bike neatly along the curb, I shut it off and pulled out the keys, placing them in a zip-up pocket in my jacket.

I pulled off the white helmet and turned to see Bakugou struggling to take if his.
"Here, stop moving and let me help."

He sighed and his hands dropped limply to his sides, which caused me to giggle a little. I reached over and eased the helmet off his head, setting it on my lap as I fluffed up his hair from the flattened state it had adjusted to.
"There ya go babe, now let's go."

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