This Is The Case of Cannibals And An Unplanned Son.

Start from the beginning

Gaius pulls his little knife, "We fight?"

I roll my eyes, about to say something to the effect of 'you and what army?' but he's already taken off towards the fence with a battlecry. I swear he's lost his marbles without any candy to snack on.

His sad attempt works a bit though, his only mistake was launching our ONLY weapon through the hole into the eyeball of one of the opposing men instead of just stabbing those who get to close. HIs antics only serve to send them into a rage, shouting things about how it was time to feast and other sadistic things that I don't care to mention.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Lon'qu shouts at the theif, he shrugs in response. "I thought I could scare them."

Naga, please save me. Don't let me die because of my idiotic companions.

The rioting ensues, the men start to run towards us, some fumble for the gate and just as they start to pour in, screams erupt from the mouths of those farthest away. I throw my arms protectively infront of those behind me, which was the everyone but myself, but instead of being stuck like a wild animal, the overflow of humans inside of the cage now turns around to see why their fellow cannibals are so frightened.

I try and relax my arms, feeling them cramping from my heroic and motherly hen actions. Morgan stands in front of me, "Mother, let me handle this." he pulls out a tome from inside the pocket of his robe, and I want to facepalm but refrain, why hadn't he use that before when he was fighting with that first man?

Powerful fire shoots from his hand at the unsuspecting people at an intense rate, and they scream from the burns. He's using incredibly powerful fire tomes, though he's so young. How did he master those, I start to feel proud, but realize that was stupid cause he obviously was not my son, so why be proud?

Everyone starts running out, I glance around to see what was happening, and see familiar faces in battle. Sully's red hair dances onto of her head, and Frederick easily cuts down a man with his ax. I see them because they're on horseback, but I know the others are all here too.

I take a huge sigh of relief and collapse on the ground, from and overdose of adrenaline or from the loss of blood, I am not sure, but my vision is blurry but I'm thankful that the darkness creeping up waited this long to take me instead of earlier.

Chrom's POV.

Calling out orders and fighting by myself is extremely taxing. I had to keep up with my men, giving them encouragement and insight, while at the same time watching my back and protecting myself.

I did not wish to kill all these people, but they were giving no choice. I'm just glad we arrived on time.

We had been watching from above, on the cliffs. This was a strange little hole that they had built their civilazation in, and of course there were lookouts, but it was easy to take them out and position ourselves in their places.

By the way they fought, I could see why our men were captured. They fight together, as one being, much like ourselves. They make many face one enemy, and overpower them, the strategy behind it was simple but solid. It wasn't easy to pull of with small forces, but with a group this size..

I duck as an ax comes swinging past my head, and take my turn to cut down the ax-wielder.

If we didn't have to kill all of them, I wouldn't, I had already told the troops to retrieve our friends and we would pull back. If they came after us, then we would slaughter them, but if they did not, there would be no point in unessecary bloodbath.

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