I sigh in relief. Bisexual is cool. This is not a lost game. I was panicking for a second there; I thought I had been fooling myself for the past months.

Checking my watch, I realise I have to go if I don't want to be late to hell... I meant school.

Before leaving, I turn to him. "What did you do on your school trip when you finished the sixth form?"

I have to assume he's older than me. He's nothing like those airheads from my school, and I'm not just talking about looks.

"Snowboard in the mountains. Why?"

"We haven't picked what we want to do yet. I'm just collecting ideas," I shrug. "Well, I gotta go. See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." he waves.

I pay and grab my bag. After a small walk, I was staring at hell... School! Sorry... Anyway, Hathor's School, home to a bunch of cocky idiots. It rose high and scary, the stupid grey structure.

I flinched at the awful sound that announced the beginning of the first period. I'm pretty sure that fucking bell is guilty of 90% of teenage stress. The other 10% are stupid teachers, like my Science teacher. I swear to god she'll kill me of boredom one of these days.

Two hands grab my shoulders when I was on my way to my first class through the large corridor. I turn to a smiling Courtney.

Court is my best friend. We met in NAA (Nova's Academy of Art) when we were only twelve and since then we're inseparable.

She's a pretty brunette with green eyes and a terrible fashion sense. Opposites attract. We've been together through thick and thin and I can't imagine my life without her.

"Good morning, AJ," she said with a beaming smile. She's one of the few who still calls me that. "Ready for your favourite class? Miss Thomas awaits."

I follow her with a displeasure groan. Miss Thomas hates me and I hate her as much as cats hate dogs and vice versa.

I walk inside the room and take my place next to Courtney in the back row. I could feel her eyes on me as soon as we walked in. If looks could kill, I'd be spread on the floor.

Jessica, the teacher's pet, walked in too, waved at the short old woman with a smile and sat right next to me. I hate her too.

Not hate per se. I probably sound really hateful right now, but I'm not. Most of the time. It's a vehement dislike towards her kiss-arse attitude, but Court likes her, so I have to be nice. She's head of the students' body and she's in charge of prom and the senior trip along with other boring stuff.

Courtney wanted to be part of the whole thing and dragged me with her. Not that I mind, it's just that I would rather not spend so much time with Jessica.

"Hey girls!" she beams. "We have to plan the school trip. I say we meet at that coffee place near the school after lunch. I've been wanting to try it for a while now and I haven't got the chance so far."

Seriously? Can't we just do that in the library? Doesn't the students' association have a room or something?

The coffee shop she's talking about is WOTT and I don't want to go there with them. It's my place! Mine and his. It's special!

"Sure," says Courtney with a smile. "I haven't gone there either."

"You sure you guys want to go there? There are way better places to go to," I argue, but they dismiss me quickly.

Although I know perfectly that if I told Courtney about it, she would back me up, I haven't talked to her about him.

It's been months. I had plenty of chances to tell her, but I wanted to have something valid to tell before we had that conversation.

I roll my eyes as the class starts and Miss Thomas mumbles about rocks and, at some point, hit me with her book, Snape style. I hate her.

Soon enough, my morning classes ended after hours of suffering, and Jessica dragged me, Courtney, and two other guys to WOTT.

We sit in a booth by the window and order. For a change, I ordered a plain black coffee. It was worth a questioning look from Gema. She left our drinks on the table, scanning us to find my usual partner.

Lunchtime was wasted discussing the damn trip. Jessica wants to go to the beach. Court wants to go to Germany. The other two guys liked the snow trip idea. We ended up deciding on Germany after a long discussion.

We decided on some details and reviewed some problems. It was excruciating.

Eventually, the two other guys left, and we closed the matter, for now, enjoying our time here.

"The Germany trip was a great idea, Courtney. You are a genius," Jessica praises as if she hadn't been arguing against it minutes ago. "I liked your idea too, AJ."

I keep my face neutral. "Call me Avery."

Gema shows up with a blueberry milkshake in hand. I look at her, confused, when she placed it in front of me. "I didn't order this."

"It's from that guy over there," she says, and I glance at where she is pointing.

Sitting in a booth not far away, typing fast on his laptop, is him. He looks up for a split second and we lock eyes; I smile and he smiles back.

"Who's that guy?" Jessica frowns. "You got a secret boyfriend?"

"He's cute," is Courtney's comment, flashing me a smile and wink in approval.

I feel blood rush to my face, a small smile appearing on my lips. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a guy I usually meet here."

"Okay, Jess, why don't we head to school while Avery here goes talk to Table Guy?" suggests Courtney, while dragging Jessica out of her seat.

"No!" I complain. "No need to go away. I'll not talk to him."

Jessica stares at me with a weird expression all over her face. "Then we stay."

It was no use fighting over it since Courtney had already crossed the distance to the door with Jessica's arm forcefully locked against hers.

I see what this is about. I'm going to have to pay for their drinks.

Inhaling deeply, I get up with one purpose. I need to stop delaying this! I'm going there and I am going to tell him how I feel.

Milkshake in hand, I walk toward him, my heart racing. Why am I so nervous? I've talked to him so many times. This is no different.

He doesn't even notice me at first. I'm about to say something when, suddenly, another guy shows up, drinks in hand. The redhead sits next to him and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

I freeze a few feet away from them, wide eyes and pulsing heart. That's when his eyes meet mine and I can see his jaw tense. I was not supposed to see that.

At last, I can feel my legs again and turn around without waiting for him to get up and find some stupid excuse. I throw the damned milkshake in the rubbish as I cross the glass doors, leaving the stupid coffee shop behind and catching up with the girls.

"So, how was it?" asks Courtney, laying against a wall with Jessica, who seems pissed. I don't know why.

I restrain myself from crying. "He is an idiot."


The banners on this book belong to alycalypsa

Hello, guys! If you're reading this story, I like you.

Fun fact, it came to me in a dream, for real.

I hope you liked this chapter

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