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Monday, 8 a.m.

"One blueberry milkshake. please," I ask as I sit down on my usual stool.

He is sitting two stools away, looking at me. He smiles, and for the first time, I smile back.

Tuesday, 8 a.m.

"One blueberry milkshake, please," I ask as I sit down on the stool next to my usual one.

He is sitting one stool away, looking at me. He smiles, and I smile back.

Wednesday, 8 a.m.

"One blueberry milkshake, please," I ask as I sit down on my new usual stool.

He isn't here.

The bell on the door announces someone's arrival. He sits next to me and says, "Good morning."

And for the first time, I answer, "Good morning!"

Thursday, 8 a.m.

"One blueberry milkshake, please," I ask as I sit down on my usual stool.

He is sitting next to me, looking at a bunch of papers he is reading while sipping his coffee. "Good morning," he says without looking up.

"Hey! Big test coming up?"

"Presentation actually. It's kind of a big deal."

Friday, 8 a.m.

"One blueberry milkshake, please," I ask as I sit down on my usual stool. "Good morning. How was your presentation?"

"Nailed it."

Blueberry MilkshakeWhere stories live. Discover now