Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It's been four months now since I got pregnant and yes I had mood swing a lot these days but Jerry was always there to make me feel happy... he wanted us to travel to the UK so I could give birth there.. but I wasn't really interested in traveling so I declined his offer... I just wanted to be with him and Hannah...
Today made it a month I had been dating Jerry and he wants to take me out on a date... he didn't tell me the details just told me to get dressed and wait for him which I did.

"So where are we heading to?" I asked for nth time but he brushed the question aside as usual and told me not to worry that I worried a lot.. and that was true.. i was used to overthinking a lot.

"Just give me a hint at least..." I begged but he ignored me again as we got to the car and got in.

"Just get ready to be surprised." He said with a smirk on his face... Jerry was full of surprises he could be planning literally anything right now.

We began driving for awhile... the traffic was so much we thought we would never make it to Jerry special anniversary.

"I should really buy a private jet for real... all these nonsense traffic every-time is getting on my nerves."

"Yes na get a private jet and be flying from lekki to ikoyi... ode." I insulted him as he hit me playfully... "did you just insult me?"

"See question... abeg just stay on your lane o.. don't be jumping lanes anyhow." I was just venting my anger on him since he didn't tell me where we were heading to and I hate being curious.

"See your mouth." He jokes as he peered through his side mirror... I could tell he was about to change lanes again...

"Jerry! Don't change lanes again... this one is moving!"

"I know what I'm doing." He laughed as he changed lanes again... this time a truck was beside us.

"You better drive with sense... your small car can't survive a crash with my truck o." The Igbo man insulted and honestly it was so funny I found myself laughing out... Jerry obviously didn't take it funny.

"It's me you're talking to like that? I don't even have your time."

"Okay we're almost here.. close your eyes."

"What for?!" Now I was looking around where we were... we had gotten to Ajah.. and all I could see were houses.

"Just close your eyes." He begged as I did and he drove for about a minute before pulling over... I was so tempted to peek but he covered my eyes with his hands to be sure I wouldn't.

"Jerry stop with all the suspense na... i'm a pregnant woman it's not fair." I cried as he led me up some fleet of stairs before we stopped. "Why we stopping? Jerry do you want to sell me ni?" I joked as he laughed.

"We're here... open your eyes." He said and released his hands from my eyes... I flickered it a bit before I could see clearly... it was the most beautiful roof top restaurant I had ever seen or even heard of.

"WOW what is this place?!" I said as I turned around in amazement.. it was beautifully set and was also empty except for the waitresses who stood close to what seemed like the kitchen door.

"It's a new restaurant I just bought. And you're gonna be the first customer it'll serve."

"Oh my gosh.. it's beautiful." I said with all smiles

"This is the best part.." he said and walked me out to the balcony which was also set up with a dinner like setting... there was a beautiful set up candle on it and the chairs facing opposite each other. I walked and stared outside.. it was beautiful... i didn't even know a place like this existed in Lagos.

"Do you like it?" His voice brought back my attention as I turned to look at him... he was holding something behind him I could tell...

"What's behind you?"

"Happy one month anniversary." He said and brought out a bouquet of flower.. omg I didn't even know guys gave girls flowers.

"Oh Jerry." I was all blushing and couldn't hold my emotions any longer... I had tears camping at my eyes already which could drop any moment.

"I love you Thelma... and that's not the best part..."

"So what is?"

"Here." He said and passed me a piece of paper... I quickly scuffled through it to see what it said... I didn't really understand what it meant though.

"Check here.." he said and pointed to the down part of the paper which I focused on carefully... it had my name written down boldly on it with a place for signature beside it.

"Here's a pen."

"What's this Jerry?" I asked a bit confused.

"It's the documents to this restaurant... I've giving it to you as the owner."

"Jerry! You just got it!"

"Yes I got it for you."

I was lost of words as I stood there perplexed... what did I do to deserve such a man.

"I'll always be here for you." He said and hugged me... this was the best gift I've ever been given... Jerry as a person.

"Wait! It's late what of Hannah... she can't sleep home by herself!"

"Don't worry her mom has gone to take her for the weekend... so we have the weekend to ourselves... he gave a mischievous smile

"Ode I'm pregnant, can't be having sex with you."

"See you... it's only four months theres nothing wrong there." He said and carried and spun me around before we settled to eat.

*Ring Ring*
"Who's phone is that?" Jerry asked as he searched through his pocket for his phone..

I looked at my bag and noticed the sound was coming from there... it's probably my phone.


"Thelma!! It's your mother."

I removed it to look at the caller but noticed it wasn't saved.

"Mama... why are you sing an unknown number?"

"See Thelma that's not the problem right now... your father is very sick."

"Sick? Eh take him to hospital na.."

"He doesn't want to go... he wants you to come here and see him... he has refused to eat or drink until you came.. since yesterday... Thelma please get here as soon as you can."

"Okay Mama." I said and she hung up... what could have happened to him that he wanted to see me? And why was he sick? My father have always been a strong man and rarely got sick.

"What happened?" Jerry brought me back from my thoughts... he looked concerned.

"It's my father, he's sick and wants me to come home to see him." I said and sat down gently thinking of what to do.

"Oh..." there was a short silence between us... " well we could go tomorrow and return back on Sunday or Monday... but tonight is just for us."

"Yes just for us." I said with a smile.
How was this chapter guys'?

Yay Jerry really did a lot for Thelma o!🙈❤️

Vote and comment!!

Her Father is finally sick!! Who's happy?🌚 💃🏻

Dark Nights ✔️ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें