Chapter 34 Preparation

Start from the beginning

Achievement Unlock: The Machina

Kayden: *whisper* holy dooley..

My Stand Pops and also my toolgun, spawn a Pepsi on my King Crimson's hand and open it, my stand put a Straw on a Pepsi and i start drinking and scoping.


In The Bandit Camp, There's only 5 Huts

Bandit: Finally, we can rest here easily. 

Bergess: Yeah, That Damn Adventurers hunting us down. it was worth staying here than that place. <--------- Another Fat Bandit but not a Leader.

Bandit: Totally. what to we do from now?

Bergess: Waiting. our Men kept bleeding everytime when we encounter adventurers or monsters. We Have Only 30 of us, half of them were killed or captures and turn as slaves for criminal acts. 

Bandit: atleast we manage to get more stolen magic weapon, especially that Crossbow we had for yesterday.

Bergess: ah, that Crossbow, it has magic that can chase targets no matter how far you run, quite terrifying magic. for now, its my favorite weapon. 

Some Guy with a Fancy Dress holding a Large Sword. hes smaller than Bergess.

Avanth: whats with the noise at night? i was having a good night sleep.

Bergess: boss?

Bandit: boss!

Avanth sit on front Of Bergess.

Avanth: Do we have enough mages to heal our injured men?

Bergess: we only have 2

Avanth: *sigh* in the next few days we wont even survive much longer. we have to recruit more men, thats our first priority, especially mages. got it?

Bergess, bandit: right.

Avanth: Good, then ill take a rest for tonight, i can't spend too much energy for some worthless trash adventurers.

(Time Skip)

5 Minutes Later

Kayden: 'well that was great..'

Im out of ammo and some guards already notice my presence because they have some magic stuff items that detects life from far away.

Kayden: 'Phase 2, Infiltration.'

I Entered Phase 2 and change weapon to Cresent Rose, Scythe Form.

I was Hiding on a tree, waiting to come nearby and strike them.

I Spotted 3 Of Them, They are mostly bandit scouts to inform something to the leader when return to their camp.

Bandit: Check from over there.

Bandit: was he sure that there's something else in this forest?

Bandit: I Think so. might be a lone adventur-



3 Bandit Scouts already moved on 6 Meters and Meets The Large Scythe On Their Necks Together.

3 Bandit scouts were silently Killed

10 Minutes Later

There's a Ruckus Going on the Bandit camps.

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