You Can't Hate Me, Though You Probably Do

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Amy leaves Jonah to look after the kids while she's at work. Things happen. Title from "Red Light" by The Regrettes


"Are you sure you're okay with watching them?" Amy asked for the millionth time, sliding her handbag onto her shoulder.

"Amy, calm down. I will be fine. We will be fine. I can handle the kids for a few hours" Jonah placed his hand on Amy's shoulder.

"Yeah...I know. Thank you so much for doing this"

"Hey, I'm looking forward to spending quality time with Emma and Parker. I'm still not convinced she's over the tow el incident . I always panic when I take a shower here now. You know, its like-"

"Jonah, I love you, but I've gotta go before Glenn starts freaking out" Amy cuts him off, gives him a quick peck on the lips and exits her house.

Jonah turns around before clapping and then rubbing his hands together , unsure of what to do next. Parker was fast asleep, and Emma was in her room, most likely browsing social media on her phone.

So, Jonah sat down on Amy's couch and tapped his fingers on his kneecaps . He sighed deeply looking around the room for something to do. The clock read 1: 32 . He had until 10pm to look after Amy's kids . They had been dating about 8 months and it was only the second time Jonah had been left responsible for her kids . And, that time was only for 2 hours in the morning . This was about 5 hours of preparing food and keeping the kids enter tained.

Parker was relatively easy to entertain. Just make some faces and noises and you've got one happy baby. Emma on the other hand, wasn't that simple.

Emma was a lot like Amy. And if there was one thing that Jonah learned from th is information, it was that it was going to take some time for Emma to accept him. Jonah still wasn't sure Amy had come to appreciate all aspects of him. Sure, she loved him , but , those long rants about political viewpoints and topics and his opinions on certain articles drove Amy insane and she made sure Jonah was aware of how painful he could be .

Jonah turned on the TV, before opening Netflix. He logged into his own account (Amy would kill him if he messed with her profile and algorithm ) , before playing a new documentary he had heard a lot about. He couldn't think of any other way to spend his time and he didn't think Emma would be joining him at any point soon.

The documentary ran for an hour and 10 minutes and Jonah found it to be quite informative. He made note to cross that off his list of things to watch, before standing up to begin cooking dinner.

He decided to play it safe with just some chicken soup . He had run it by Amy that morning when she had first asked that he watched the kids, just to be safe. He thought it was someth ing Emma might enjoy, and Parker c ould just eat some mashed banana . He was far from experienced as a parent so, he wanted to be extra cautious , especially as they were his girlfriend's kids.

He grabbed the ingredients from the cupboard to cook the soup and turned around, only to see a figure emerging from Emma's room.

"Hey Emma" Jonah calls out and Emma's shoulders tense d up.

She slowly turned towards Jonah and showed what seemed to be an extremely forced smile.


"Whatcha doing?"

"Uhhhh.... oooh what's cooking?" Emma very clearly avoided the question.

" Nothing at the moment .... Emma ? Where were you going?"

" Uhhhh...Nowhere?" Jonah rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I was sneaking out to go see my friends at the mall. Okay? There ! Whatever"

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