AU: Crossed Paths

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Context for this story:
California Part 2: Jonah and Amy didn't break up. Yes they still had the argument, however, upon Amy's line "We can do long distance. We'll zoom date(...)", Jonah contemplates, agreeing to give long distance a shot. Within the span of this canon divergance and the main plot of this chapter, the two have gotten engaged, agreeing that Jonah move to California before they wed. I dont really care if this makes logical sense haha. I really enjoyed writing this chapter.

This is entirely based about a single Reddit post I saw:

Anyway, enjoy!!

Jonah's hand gripped anxiously onto his suitcase handle, awaiting his Uber.

The Californian landscape was an unfamiliar territory. Its overcrowded streets and temperature just a smidge too hot, Jonah felt out of place. He never imagined visiting California. Sure it had things to offer, but there was so many other locations that ranked higher on his list. Yet, he was willing to look past it (water resource management and all), just to surprise his fiancé on her birthday.

Since Amy had moved to California, the couple agreed to do long-distance, so long as they remained in frequent contact. So, almost every night they zoom called, chatting about their days and worklives. Then, on the occassional time she was free, Amy would book a ticket to St Louis, which was understandable as Jonah wasn't really able to afford travelling. As a result, this was Jonah's first time in California and he has no clue what he was doing.


Jonah's uber arrived, directing him to Zephra headquarters. He took the elevator to the 5th floor where Amy's office was situated, dragging his suitcase behind him.

The elevator doors opened, Jonah pinpointing the doors that read "Amy Sosa", and walking over eagerly.

He knocked.

No response...

He knocked again.


Just as his hand rose once more to knock, a voice appeared behind him.

"Can I help you?"

He spun around, finding an unfamiliar woman holding a clipboard in one hand.

"uhhh Yeah...I'm looking for Amy Sosa. Is she in today?"

"No, not today. She's out for the next week."

Jonah stared blankly at the woman.

"W-Why is that? Did-Did she tell you?"

"No, sorry. I can leave a message if you'd like?"

He hesitated.

"I'm good thanks..." Jonah trailed off in thought.

The lady nodded, walking back to another office.

Luckily, the failed attempt at surprising Amy didn't interfere with his plans too drastically, having saved Amy's address on his phone.

He called another uber, the car arriving 10 or so minutes after, taking him to the outside of Amy's place.

It was a relatively small house, the neighbourhood far more quiet than the high-rise buildings Jonah had just ventured past. His eyes drifted to the driveway, seeing Amy's Lexus parked.

He thanked the driver, grabbing his suitcase once more, before approaching the door and ringing the doorbell, a cheery little tune echoing. He waited.

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