1 year

983 17 4

Jonah and Amy celebrate 1 year of dating.

So, where are we going again?" Jonah swung his hands around aimlessly.

He was sat in the passenger seat with a blindfold shielding his vision. It was he and and Amys one year anniversary since the photo lab 'Incident'. It had been a pretty intense year. With Mateo being detained by ICE, Dina's birds being murdered by Garrett and even Amy taking over as a Cloud 9 manager. They had been through a lot so this was a well needed distraction from the negatives, even if Jonah was confused by what the distraction was.

Amy stopped the car suddenly and clicked her seatbelt loose.

"You'll see..." She finally responded.


Jonah and Amy walked hand in hand, Jonah still blinded by the fabric.

All Jonah knew was that they had walked outside for at least 10 minutes and the mystery of it all was destroying him.

It had been mostly silence and while his vision was mostly impaired, he could just see the bright rays of the sun begin to fade before night. His hand was tightly gripping Amy's out of fear of what might happen if he let go. He didn't know where they were going.

He knew he was up for it though. Amy was practically bursting with excitement as she revealed her intentions. It was an unusual but somewhat cute sight. She never really planned for dates and outings. That was Jonah's forte. It wasn't to say she didn't care, she was just busy and showed her love in other ways. That's what surprised Jonah most about her plan.

Suddenly, Amy's grip on Jonah's hand weakened before leaving his grasp entirely. Panic struck Jonah but was soon soothed as he felt his blindfold loosen from its previous state. It slid off slowly revealing an arrangement of decorative string lights on a green course.

"Moment of Beauty?" Amy shrugged, her eyes not leaving Jonah.

"Amelia Sosa, you corny son of a bitch. Golf? Really?" A chuckle escaped Jonahs lips as he twirled around taking in the beautiful views that surrounded him.

"It turns out my favourite Mini-Golf shut down due to many health code violations. So, instead, why not Big-Golf?"

"It feels like forever since the Blizzard. Remember when we found out that Marcus shits in the shower?"

"That was disgusting. And, like, he thought we were dramatic for pointing out how gross that is" Amy reached into the golf bag and pulled out two golf clubs and golf balls.

She handed Jonah the second pair and pulled out a Tee from the front pocket of the bag.

"Game on Sosa" Jonah wore a grin on his face as he watched Amy dig her Tee into the ground before aligning herself with the flag that sit in the distance.

Her stance wasn't great but her focus was so intense, Jonah didn't want break it.

Amy's arms swung with the golf club in hand a few times without touching the golf ball. Then after two practice swings, the club collided with the ball sending it soaring through the air.

It was almost in slow motion as the ball landed slightly off of the light green patch of grass but instead into the sand pit.


She could hear Jonah laughing behind her as she leaned down and pulled the Tee out of the ground.

"Right into the hazard.(A/N: Apparently that's what they're called. I don't know sports)Great job Amy" Jonah held his a thumbs up sarcastically.

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