Broken Promises

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I was writing a Simmosa wedding fic after the finale cos like...My brain was in full meltdown mode. I did write some but I kind of ran out of ideas and ditched. I may return to it someday, but we'll see. For now, I wrote a somewhat angsty chapter

Following the events of 5x10 (Negotiations)

The celebrations continued well into the night, laughter and cheers echoing within the cloud 9 store. Speakers blasted obnoxious Christmas tunes, the occasionally employee singing along drunkly. It was a great feeling.

It was around 1am when the party began to die down. People called their rides, obviously too intoxicated to even sit behind the wheel. Then all that remained was Mateo, Dina, Cheyenne, Jonah and Amy.

They sat on the current living room display, Amy's head resting in the crook of Jonah's neck ad they sat curled up together, with Dina at the other end off the couch, staring off into the abyss. Cheyenne and Mateo occupying the second couch, chatting about their random gossip. After such a lovely party, everyone welcomed the peace and quiet.

Except Amy.

She no longer had the energy of her employees to drown out the dread of whatever future awaited.

It was a stressful day, the negotiations on everyone's mind. The moment she got the text about the win, all of that fear vanished in an instant.

Instead, a wave of pride for Jonah. He had worked so hard that year, so a win was definitely in order.

But then she got the call.

And suddenly everything changed.

She tried to act excited about the buyout but she couldn't help but shed a few tears. Maya seemed convinced though, quickly ending the call to share the so-called 'good news' with the other branch managers.

Amys few tears morphed into a bundle of sobs, the overwhelming panic sinking in. She placed the palm of her hands against the desk edge, grounding herself, the last few cries stuttering out.

Rather than confront Jonah about the loss, she hid it. She continued to celebrate, drinking the thoughts away, delaying what she knew was inevitable.

So, there she sat. Heart pounding so hard she could hear the echo in her ears. Breath quivering with fear. Eyes clenched shut. Her knees folding up against her, digging into her stomach as she held them tighter.

Jonah didn't seem to notice the Amy's current tense state, eagerly conversing with Dina over some nonsense Amy couldn't focus on.

He would chuckle occasionally, the vibrations of his throat carrying to Amy's head through the crook of his neck.

In some ways, this was calming. This sense of joy and contentment... it was an indescribable sensation.

But in other ways, it filled Amy with despair, knowing she would have to face the music and crush his current upbeat spirit.

For now... Amy stuck to the one thing her brain could comprehend.

Deny. Deny. Deny.


Amy and Jonah caught a cab home, their intoxication clear from Jonah's slightly slurred speech and Amy's stance being at a 60° angle.

They stumbled into the house, not worried about noise as it was Adam's night for the kids.

Wanting to be at least somewhat functional the next day, they drank a shitton of water to sober up. It seemed to work, as the ringing in Amy's ears began to quieten.

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