Drunken Mess

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Sorry for less frequent updates, school is back and a bigger b*tch than beforeeee :/

This chapter was written at 2 am (per usual) so apologies for any mistakes.

Sandra's Wedding is a drunken but exciting mess.

I am currently working on an edit to a song.

The song itself was written by Emma May on YouTube and it was written ABOUT Simmosa. Check it Out IMMEDIATELY it is amazing!!
Here's a link:

I'm literally obsessed.

Now here's the chapter


Amy threw her head back, sending the beer from the bottle down her throat in one quick motion.

Amongst the music blasting and the general chatter of the crowd, she pinpoints a soft chuckle from beside her, causing her to tip the bottle upright. She sees Jonah, clearly amused, watching her as he takes a significantly smaller sip from his own drink.

"So, liver destroyed?" A grin sits on his face as Amy rolls her eyes.

"Not destroyed enough" Amy takes another swig of her drink, finishing off its last droplets, before slamming it on the bar with a look of pride in her eyes.

Before tonight, there weren't many evenings where she cut loose in public, drinking to her hearts content, in fact, when she racked her brain, the last time she did was the Managers Conference with Jonah, doing Cloud 9 Shots and filling tote bags with random expensive shit. Some days, she saw that day as a complete disaster, but on most days, she remembers how fun it was. Running around, as Chien Mon Koh, endlessly teasing the dirtbags in charge. Who knew that she would follow in the very same footsteps of the dirtbags, though sge had a far better moral compass.

So, the remainder of the reception was filled with heavy drinking, both Jonah and Amy making the most of their night away from Parker. They conversed with their colleagues, their intoxicated state making them far more talkative than when they are at work.

"Marcus shits in the shower, Dina. The Shower." Jonah protests, genuine despair in his eyes.

"Wait, if Jonah's below Marcus... Where am I?" Amy proceeded with caution, but slight confidence. They were best friends after all.

Dina took a second to contemplate.

"Your 2nd on the list"

"2nd!? Who does that make first?"

"Brett, obviously. He's literally the definition of a perfect employee" Everyone around nodded in agreement, including Jonah, who despite his visibly hurt expression, could only admire the man's strong work ethic.

This was a surprisingly rich topic, centring around a singular employees opinion, but nonetheless, people were eager to find out.

Soon, guests starting to bid their farewells, leaving a small handful of people left.


The opening notes of Khalid's 'Talk' started to play.

Amy and Jonah were situated at the bar, huddled by an assortment of beer bottles and shot glasses. Upon hearing Dina's announcement, Jonah rose from his stool, groggily extending his hand to Amy.

"Care to Dance?" Jonahs speech is slurred, speaking in a strong British accent, wiggling his eyebrows.

"That has got to be the worst British accent I have ever heard" Amy giggles as she takes his hand, Jonah pulling her from her seat and dragging her to the floor. The force of his pull causes her to fall into his chest as they reach the floor.

Jonah stares down at Amy, her goofy smile as they away slowly even more intoxicating than the alcohol itself. She makes eye contact with him, the silly smile fading into a more genuine one.

They stand, swaying back and forth to the song, Amy rests against Jonah's shoulder, his head sitting in the crook of her neck.

She lifts her head to look at him again.

"This is really awkward but I have to fire you from Sandra's Wedding" Amy stares, feigning her sadness. Jonah decides to play along groaning with a sigh.

"I get zero perks for dating the boss" Amy grins slightly before her eyes get distracted behind Jonah. Instead, an even larger grin grows on her face.

Jonahs curiosity took over, turning around only to see Sayids girlfriend groping his ass. (A/N: never in my time as a superstore fan, did I think I would write this sentence, but here we are)

Amy giggles quietly as Jonah turns back, wide-eyed with amusement. They both break into a fit of laughter, Amy's head falling into his chest to conceal her outburst. He can feel the vibrations from her vocal cords, causing him to laugh even further. He presses his head to her hair, covering up his own laughter.

"I guess they made up" Amy mutters, stuttering through her very own laughter.

"I guess so"


The song reached its close, the restaurant more sparse and quiet. All that remained was the newlywed couple, Dina, Cheyenne, Garrett, Mateo, Eric, Jonah and Amy, most of which were very obviously crashing from their drunken evening.

Amy's eyes struggled to remain open, instead squinting from the bright lighting. Her exhaustion was evident from her stance, which, shouldn't even be defined as 'standing', instead, she was being held up by Jonah, his arm wrapped around her waist and her body leaning against his. The responsible adults they were, they called an uber. Now, all they had to do was wait. Jonah ensured that everyone had drunk water to at least somewhat sober them up. Even when he was drunk he was overly cautious about everyone's wellbeing.

One by one designated vehicles pulled into the parking lot, the crowd shrinking further and further. Eric and Mateos ride turned up, leaving only Amy and Jonah outside the restaurant.

"You sure you'll be fine?" Eric stuck his head out the car door, face slightly worried.

Jonah opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted as Amy suddenly rose her hands, giving her brother a thumbs up with a goofy grin, in the process, yelping as she stumbled on the spot.

Luckily, Jonahs reflexes kicked in, catching her before she fell. It was very clear which one of them handled their alcohol better.

"We'll be fine, thanks. Bye Eric" Jonah nodded to Eric, a small grin on his face.

Their uber arriving only a short while after, Amy clumsily fell into the car, practically asleep. Jonah rushed around to the other side, setting Amy upright as he got in.

The second they got home, Amy was wide awake, sprinting to their bathroom and violently spewing her guts out.

"Maybe camping at the b-bar wasn't the best ide-" Amy was cut off by her own body, continuing the endless stream, the vile stench spreading. Jonah sat behind her, lightly running his hand over her back with one hand, the other holding her hair out of her face.

What a night.


Hope you enjoyed!

Remember to cheek that song out too!

Have a Heavenly Day ☁️

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