Chapter 16: Date

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“And here you guys are,” The hostess brought us to a table on the patio that looked over at the lake, the sun dipping into it. “Thank you,” Steve told her as he pulled out my seat. I thanked him quietly as I sat down and he pushed me closer to the table. “Nice view,” He commented, taking his seat. I look over to the sunset and nod. “Yeah, it really is,” I agree. “I wasn’t talking about the lake, Jackie,” He says. I look over to him, seeing he’s checking out my dress. I look at him in his suit, looking handsome as ever. “I can’t complain either,” I state. He pours champagne into our glasses, keeping them at the same level. I take my glass and watch him take his. “Captain America drinks alcohol?” I question. “I can’t get drunk. The serum prevents it.” I smirk. “At least I know who my designated driver is now.” We clink our glasses together before taking a sip. “How is Doctor Selvig doing after the events from a while back?” “Well,” I begin, “Sometimes he was okay but other times he was, how do I put this, nuts,” I reply, “He would break things in the middle of night for no reason, he would babble nonsense to us and, at one point he streaked in front of the Stonehenge. So, take that as you will,” I took another sip as I heard him chuckle a bit. “What about the ‘Dark Elves’ you were talking about? What were they like?” I shrug. “They were strange looking. They wore these masks that had giant black holes for eyes. They were easy to takedown and I think their weapons were the only thing that would’ve kept them alive.”

The waiter took our orders not to long after, leaving us alone once more. “What about you?” I ask, “What did you do while I was gone?” He sipped his drink, taking it down quick to answer me. “I stayed in New York for about a week before Fury asked me to move over to D.C. I got settled in and made some friends. I even found a place that I run every morning with Sam. You should join us sometime,” He tells. “You bet I will,” I add, “You’re my workout buddy after all. Now I can have a backup.” He rolls his eyes. “Never. Only I can be it,” He jokes. I scoff playfully. “Look who’s talking. Cheating on me with Sam. I’ll show him whose boss.” We laugh together a bit. “You could easily,” Steve continues, “Anyone can pretty much outrun him. I think I saw a lady older than me do it.” We go on into a fit of laughter as the waiter returns with our meals. “He’s that slow?” I ask as I begin to pick up some salad with my fork. He nods. “I think a snail could beat him in a race.” “I guess I’ll have to see that for myself,” I say before taking a bite. “You know,” I speak, “For being an agent, I don’t know very much about you other than the fact you’re Captain America.” He nods. “Well, my name is Steven Grant Rogers and I was born on the 4th of July, 1918 in Brooklyn. My father died when I was a child and my mother died of pneumonia when I graduated high school. Bucky was there when I needed him. He was my best friend. When I got the serum, I thought he was dead. I ended up saving him from Hydra and on a mission, he fell off the train we were outside of. Then, I definitely thought he was gone but I guess I was wrong.”

I nod as I take in another bite, understanding what he said. “That’s enough about me,” Steve comments, “Tell me about you.” The words I wished he would never say were said. I wasn’t sure if I should be truthful or not, but I had never been truthful when it came to things like this. No one knows the true backstory and I never had a problem with that until now. I really liked Steve and I wanted to be honest but I knew I had to stick with the same bland story. “My name is Jacqueline Mara Tagan and I was born the 28th of December, 1988. My dad was a dentist and my mom was a teacher. They died in a house fire when I was 17. We had gotten into a fight and I left the house and when I came back it was just ash. I was always the tough girl, taking martial arts and captain of the wrestling team, but I broke completely after they died. I was still messed up four years later and went into alcoholism. I said some things to them that I regret I ever said as my final words to them. Fury found me after hearing about my skills and wanted to recruit me. He saw how messed up I was and took me in with open arms. I’ve been a part of S.H.E.I.L.D. since.”

We were quiet for a while, eating our food in silence. I had told this story for years and never had issues with it, but for some reason, I felt strange and wrong for telling it to Steve. But no one could know. I had to act like my true story never happened. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a day without you wearing that necklace,” Steve randomly brought up. I looked down at it and picked it up, examining the necklace. “Who gave it to you?” I look down at the table, unable to meet his gaze. “Loki,” I answer. “Do you miss him at all? After everything?” I look back up at him. “No,” I say, “He forced me to go along with him and claimed me as his without my consent. I choose what I want and don’t let anyone choose for me. I don’t have to worry anymore now that he’s dead. I just wear it because I can.” He nods, and takes another sip of champagne. “What happened after I left New York?” I ask, changing the topic. “They were trying to put the city back together. We all were praised for saving them. I was glad you left, actually. There were people talking about attacking you and such. I think after seeing you with Loki they had the idea that you were just as bad as him.”

“That’s not exactly surprising to me,” I reply, “Of course, what could they do, really? I think after taking down Hydra not too long ago, they’re cool with me now. Hydra… that’s another story.” I look down at the wound on my arm, the bandage hard not to miss. “They really know how to make an entrance after 70 years,” Steve comments. “Yes, but you stole the show,” I add, “I don’t think Hydra can beat a guy coming out of ice like you did, Capsicle.” “Tony’s already used that one.” “Dammit!” I exclaim. He laughs at my reaction, getting out of his seat after paying the bill and leading me out the restaurant. He takes me across the street to the lake, the sun gone completely and leaving us both with the moon and light from the lamppost by the road. He stood in the grass by the lake, looking ahead into the water. “When Natasha suggested I ask you out, I realized that she was right. I wasn’t sure about how I felt about you at the time and we she did suggest you, it all made sense. She did suggest other girls to me but I didn’t care. I just wanted you and I couldn’t wait for you to come back. Of course, I wasn’t expecting everything to happen like this, but I think I like it.” He looked over at me, a slight blush on my cheeks and I smiled. “That’s sweet, Steve.” His signature smile revealed itself to me as he took my hand in his, holding it like he didn’t want to let go. He looked back onto the lake, the smile never leaving. I placed my head on his shoulder, calming myself.

I had never experienced anything like this. I never really had a romance before and I wasn’t 100% on how to do it. But it seemed easy with Steve, almost like it was natural in a way. It felt my hand fit together with his like a puzzle. He was charming to say the least and he was probably just as lost as I am when it comes to romance. But he made it seem like he knew exactly what to do when it came to things like this. He squeezed my hand tighter, grasping my attention. “Let’s head home,” He says, keeping a hold on my hand as we walked back to the apartment building.

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