Chapter 8: Thor

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~5 months later~

The car screeched along the road as Darcy sped down the busy street. She took a sharp turn and I hit my head on the side. "Damn, Darcy!" I complained, "You trying to give me a concussion?" She gave me a look before forcing the vehicle to a halt, causing my legs to violently hit the dashboard. I pursed my lips, trying to block out the pain. We got out of the mobile as she started to walk into the building Jane was inside of. "She's going to kill you!" I yell to her. "Whatevs," She replies. I groan, moving to the back so Jane could take the front. I look down at Ian, who was working on something while he was leaned down in his seat. "What are you doing, science monkey?" I ask. "Just checking the equipment," he answers. "You're actually going to take Darcy seriously? Because it's quite confusing that Jane's intern now has an intern herself." "As long as I get the credits I need, I don't mind it." I shrug and watch as Darcy comes back into the car. Not long after, Jane comes inside as well. "And I hate you," She comments. "What?" Darcy says, her mouth full, "I said he was cute." "Just shut up and drive," Jane replies. Darcy starts the car and begins to speed off. We make it to the bridge when Ian finally pops his head up. "You need to take the next left." Jane gasps, like I knew she would. "Who's he?" She questions. "He's my intern," She answers. "You have an intern?" Jane adds. "Yeah," Darcy goes on. Ian leans over, going to shake her hand. "Hello, Dr. Foster. It's a great honor to be working with ya." "Right, I have to call Erik."  The machine Ian was holding beeps, notifying him on the next direction. "Oh, take a right." Darcy instantly turns the car, causing the tires to screech and take us into oncoming traffic."And a left!" Ian directs, once again queing Darcy to take another sharp turn. "I have totally mastered driving in London."

"Hi, Erik. It's me again. Where are you? I came here because you said you were onto something, and then you vanished?" Jane ends the message as we park and pile out of the car. "Come on, this is exciting," Darcy enthuses, "Look! The intern is excited!" "Ian," He tells her. "Do you want the phase meter?" "No." "Bring the phase meter," Darcy orders, "The toaster looking thing." I walk with Darcy as she calls someone, Jane's phone ringing ahead of us. "How do I change the ringtone on this thing?" "An astrophysicist with three degrees should be able to change her own ringtone." Jane lowers her phone from her ear. "Why are you calling me?" "I didn't want to shout. Interns says it's this way." "Ian, my name is Ian." Darcy hushes him as we walk into an abandoned building. Dirt and trash scatter the area and paint is chipping off the walls. A few birds scare us from behind, showing us a shadow accompanied by footsteps. "I am not getting stabbed in the name of science," Darcy comments, "It's okay, we're Americans." "Is that supposed to make them like us?" I ask. Some voices mumble as a small boy comes to us, followed by another boy and a girl. "Oh, they're kids," Jane sighs in relief. "Are the police?" The little girl asks. "No, we're scientists. Well, I am," Jane explains to them. "Thanks," I mutter. "We just found it," One of the boys say. "Can you show us?"

The children lead us to a large, pavilion like area in the building, stopping in front of a giant truck. One of the boys walks up to it, touch it and causing the truck to levitate and spin the air. "That doesn't seem right." The kids then take us up a stairwell, taking an empty bottle and dropping it. The bottle never hits the ground, but it seemingly goes through a portal. "Where'd it go?" I ask. One of the children point upwards, where the bottle falls again and back into the invisble portal below. We watch it do this multiple times before a boy grabs it. "That's incredible!" Jane praises. Jane picks up an empty can, tossing it into the portal. This time when we look up, it doesn't come back down. "What happened?" I ask. "Sometimes they come back," The girl says, "Sometimes they don't." "I wanna throw something! Jackie, give me your shoe," Darcy says. I shake my head, watching Jane as she picked up the phase meter. "I haven't seen readings like this since..." "New Mexico?" Darcy challenges. Jane gives Darcy a look before running off. Darcy looks at Ian. "Give me your shoe." We find more things to throw in the portal, papers, cans, Ian's shoe. Ian then throws in some keys, which never return. "Were those the car keys?" I look at him, slightly angry. He grits his teeth, realizing the keys were gone forever. We spent a few more minutes playing with the odd phenomenon before I realize Jane hadn't come back. "Guys, where did Jane go?" They all looked at me and then noticed she was gone. "We better start looking before a certain someone comes and hunts me down..." My face grows pale, realizing he could be thinking of this now.


She was nowhere to be found. It had been 5 hours and we basically tore up the entire property looking for her, 4 times. I was even tempted to jump into one of the portals. Darcy was basically as paniced as I was and we felt we had no choice but to call the police. We were questioned and just as Ian had gone up, Jane came out of the building. "Jane!" Darcy and I yelled. "Where the hell were you?!" I interrogated. "Tell me you didn't call the police," She begged. "What were we supposed to do?" Darcy asked. "Not call the police." Jane fired back. "We were freaking out," I speak up. "You call the cops, they call the Feds. Next thing you know, we have SHEILD crawling around "Area 51-ing " the place." I place my hands on my hips angered at that remark. "Jane-" "We had a stable gravitational anomaly. We had unimpeded access. Our only competition was 10 years old!" She barks. "Jane, you were gone for five hours," I interrput. "What?" Thunder exploded above as and we notice the rain was pouring everywhere but around us. "That's weird." Just as Jane says that, Thor appears a few yards away from us, causing my eyes to widen. Jane says nothing, she simply shoving the equipment to Darcy and walking over to him. The circle of no rain follows her as she goes, making the rain pour on us when she was far enough.I watched as Jane slapped him, twice. I laugh inwardly and Darcy and I walk up, I farther behind since I was terrified he was going to kill me. "Hey, is this you?" Darcy compliments. Thor looks up and summons the rain away. "Uh, were kind of in the middle of something here." "Um, I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested." Jane freezes before running over to the police with Darcy. I awkwardly stand near Thor. "Hey, what's up? You have great timing skills. You know that? Because you came the one time I lost track of Jane. Crazy, huh? Please don't kill me. I like living," I tell him in my scared voice. An explosion goes off and police are flying every where. Thor covers me as the glass from the vechicles burst out. Thor quickly retreats to Jane, who is now on the ground.

He helps her up and as they converse with the officer, Thor looks to the sky and the Bifrost is opened. I watch in amazment as they shoot into the sky and disappear forever. After the officers calm down, they start to cuff Ian to which I go up to one and pull out my badge, handing it to an officer. "We were here under SHEILD's authority." The man inspects the badge before nodding and telling the other officer to call off back-up and to let Ian go. "C'mon Darce," I call to her, "We're walking home."

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