Chapter 26: Loss

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I cleaned the table as soon as Natasha left, which was around 11. I hadn't told Steve I was leaving yet. Steve joined me a little later, helping with dishes. "Did you enjoy dinner, honey?" I mimic an old housewife. He rolls his eyes. "Yes, dear," He responds like the husband would. "Enjoy the leftovers, then," I comment, "I've got to head out in an hour." He stopped what he was doing and looked over. "What do you mean?" "I got a call," I answer. He sighs. "You'd think I'd be used to this by now," He says. "Look on the bright side," I speak, "If all goes well, I'll be back in time for our foot race with Tweety Bird." He chuckles at my nickname for Sam. "And if you don't?" He presses. "It's just a recruitment," I inform, "I doubt it will take me long. If not, we can postpone until the next day." He dries his hands and leans against the sink, his arms loosely crossed (which seemed impossible with how large his arms were). "I hate being together for only a couple days and then one of us be gone the next," He expresses. I dry my hands as well, looking over at the Captain. I felt like he wasn't happy. Like he was just stuck with me. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to," I say. He's taken aback. "I didn't mean it like that," He speaks. He comes behind me and pulls my back into his chest, propping his chin onto my head. "I meant it in the way that I miss you too much and that I worry about you," He comments. I'm smiling to myself, a blush on my cheeks. "That's pretty sweet to say to a girl that isn't even your official girlfriend yet," I point out. I hear him chuckle. "We could always fix tha-" My phone breaks the end of his sentence, making me roll my eyes. I reach for it, trying my best not to elbow Steve in the ribs.

"Yes?" I greet with an annoyed voice. "We're going to need you to head here a bit sooner," The woman says, "He's shown detection to being watched." I groan. "I'm on my way," I hang up. I turn around, my chest now against his. His arms are still at my waist as I put mine on his shoulders. "Duty calls," I say, "Mind if I hitch a ride to the airport?" "Of course," He answers. I feel his arms let me loose as he leans down to peck the top of my head. He leads me out the kitchen and to the outside. I head to my car but he doesn't follow, heading to his bike instead. I turn toward him, giving him a questioning glance. "I was thinking we could take the bike for a change," He speaks. I half smile and nod, walking over to him and his bike. He gets on first and I sit behind him as the bike roars to life. I snake my arms around him as he turns the bike out onto the road and begins to drive it away. I could tell that he liked this, I could only barely see a smile from the side of his face. "Enjoying the view?" He calls out to me. My mind flashes back to the invasion, remembering those words. I catch a glimpse of Cap, Romanoff and Barton standing by some police vehicles. "Enjoying the view?" He calls out to me. I shake myself out of the thought of it. "Maybe," I answer unlike the last time. He keeps driving, eventually making it to the airport.

I climb off the bike and he does the same, setting down the rod that kept it up. "Be safe, please," Rogers begs, "I'm not exactly up for losing anyone else." I roll my eyes. "I don't think a 15 year old is that dangerous," I comment. "You never know," He says, "If one's hobby is shooting pretty ladies into space, their hobbies are pretty extreme." I laugh. "This one is only a kungfu master," I inform, "I think I have enough skill to avoid death with this one." "I know you do," He admits. He pulls me into his arms, which I gladly go into and get squeezed into his chest. "I'll miss you," He says. "I'm only going to be gone a couple hours," I remind, "There's not much time to miss me very long." "I'm still going to," He says. He lets me out of his embrace, where I go kiss his cheek. "I'll be back soon," I say before going into the airport. I'm halfway through the door when I get a text.

Captain AARP: I miss you already.

I turn around to see him wink before he drives off. What a dork.


"Passengers, please fasten your seat belts so we can begin our forty minute flight to New York City. Thank you," The pilot speaks over the intercom. I luckily had gotten a window seat by myself, which meant I didn't have to socialize. What was strange was people usually did try to speak with me on flights, which confused the hell out of me. I thought people didn't talk to each other on planes. My first flight to D.C. to start working with S.H.I.E.L.D., I was sat next to a man who wouldn't stop talking. He was talking about Captain America trading cards and comics. Little did I know that that man would be one of my best friends. Sure, my first encounter with Coulson was a bit more taboo than normal, but I wouldn't have asked to meet him any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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