Chapter 3: The System is like me

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The alarm sounded off like a bomb in my room the next morning. I groan and reach into my drawer and grab my loaded gun, 'cause you know, always have one in case of emergencies such as this one. I pull the trigger and it shoots over at my alarm, which now was silenced and blinking at 7 am. I sigh in relief and begin to doze back off. Before I could relax fully, the sprinkler goes off and begins to make my room drenched in water. I screeh and fall out of bed as they turn off. "Sorry Tagan," Coulson speaks from the sound system. "Damn it, Phil," I mutter, "I'm up, I'm up." I change into my usual SHEILD uniform and tie my hair up into a ponytail. Training here sucked because we get paired up with a random partner every time. I usually got someone with no experience in any kind of physical activites, which I hated. I always loved to work out and do sports, seeing how much of a tomboy I was growing up, but with how it was here, I hated it. I wanted to work alone desperately or at least have someone who was trying to make an effort in it. I pick up my now wet gym bag and leave my room and make my way to the training center. Some people like to think the helicarriers are like crusie ships, which isn't the least bit true because at least cruise ships let you have alcohol. Also, this place was like my own personal hell and I knew a lot of people who would agree. But I can't imagine what Fury would be like as an actual cruise director, hawaiian shirt and all. Even thinking about him smiling would terrify me forever.

I enter the training center and place my bag into the cubby. I walk over to the the list and search for my name. Agent Jacquline Tagan paired with Steven Rogers.Steven Rogers? Who was that? I certainly hadn't heard about him. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn and meet the gaze of Captain America. All I could think was DAMN from just a single look at him. "Yes?" I answer. "You wouldn't happen to be Jacquline Tagan, would you?'" I nod. "Call me Jackie." He holds his hand out for me to shake, which I do. "Steve Rogers." "Aren't you Captain America, or something like that?" I ask awkwardly. He smiles, showing off a set of perfect pearly whites. "That's me," He replies, "Are you the one Fury always complains-" "Yep, that's me," I laugh and he does too. "Well, do you want to get started?" He questions. "Sure," I respond, "What do you want to start off with?" He walks me away from the list and over to the cubbies. "I was thinking we could warm up and work with the punching bags," He explains, "Then we can-" "What about some hand on hand combat?" I ask. He shakes his head a bit. "I was taught to never hit a woman, Miss Tagan." I freeze a bit when he says 'Miss Tagan', my mind going back to last night. "First off, my name is Jackie," I rejoinder, "Second, I get hit by men all the time." His eyes widen at the last part and I realize what I said was kind of bad. "Oh my god!" I exclaim, "Not like that! I'm sorry. I mean like in combat and stuff. Besides, I know you don't mean to." He bites his lip and looks at me. "Are you sure you're alright if I do?" "Positive."

Warming up was quick, seeing how often we did work out. "Finally," I say, "Someone who actually makes an effort." He raises an eyebrow as we both move over to the mat. "What do you mean by that?" He queries as we both get into our fighting stance. "I always get paired up with someone who doesn't make any physical effort. Ever." As I talk, he goes in for the first hit. I dodge it and grab his arm and kick his ribcage. He moves his arm away quickly and attempts to kick me. I react instantly by flipping him over with his leg. He remains flat on his stomach, staring up at me. "You're good," He compliements. "I know." I smirk. I stare over at the boxing ring they had set up and then look down at him. "Wanna take this into the ring?"

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