Chapter 1: Curiousity killed the Cat

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"He refuses to speak anyone. He simply sits in that cage." I overhear a certain god of thunder explain to some other agent trying to strike up some sort of conversation about the guy they brought in not too long ago. I guessed that he was a god too, but I didn't even pay attention to half of the things they said around here. I was sitting in front of a computer, which wasn't even on, plotting my next stupid plan that would ineventidentally fail and I would be one step closer to pissing Fury off more than I already have. "You got that look on your face, Jackie," Nikolai complained, "That look that always gets you into trouble. Spill it." I smirk and turn to my collegue, who so happened to be my partner on missions and my "ideas". "What do you say we visit our newest inmate, whoever the hell they are." He raised an eyebrow, questioning my proposal. "What is it worth visiting him if you don't even know who he is?" "So I can actually find out who he is from the source. Besides, isn't he a god? After getting a few looks at that one over there," I look over at Thor across the room before returning my gaze to Nikolai, "I can only imagine how hot the other one is. I hear they're related too." Nikolai looked at me with a straight face, seemingly unfazed by my words. "Okay one, Thor said he was adopted, so it isn't by blood. Two, he killed eighty freaking people in two days. That's a huge no no. Three, after what's been going on, do you really want to mess with Fury?" I blink, thinking he had forgotten who I was. "Nikki, it's me. I piss off Fury no matter what goes on. You in or not?" He shook his head, putting his hands up. "Sorry, but you're on your own this time." I huff as I stand and begin to walk out of the room. "Lame."

I wandered down the halls, seeing very few agents as I passed. I hoped Nikolai would've come because I had completely forgotten where they were keeping whoever he was. I decided to wing it and walk around the helicarrier until I eventually found it. Of course, seeing how huge this place was, I knew it would take forever and a half to find. But as if it was a stroke of luck, I came across the doorway that had the words CONTAINMENT UNIT above the door. I knew no one came around here, seeing how no one was here. Maybe I should just pass by, get a glimpse and go back to the main room. It wasn't really worth my time to talk to him if he wasn't even talking to anyone. So, I casually walked by and there in the clear cell was the talk of the entire base. He was standing, facing my direction. He wore the oddest thing and kind off looked like he got out of a renisance fair. He had black hair that slicked back into spikes. I wasn't going to lie that he was pretty sexy, but I wasn't going to go into detail. He was a lot different than I had originally thought he would be, but he was what he was. He met my gaze as I passed by and just when I had left that place where we could see each other and I was about to walk out, I was stopped. "Where are you going to?" I hear a voice call behind me. It wasn't a voice I had heard before and it definitely the voice I would match up with the guy I just saw. I turned to look behind me and saw no one there, which meant it was his voice. "I know you're still there." He called. Damn, now I had to go back. I made my way out from the space where I couldn't see him and out in the open, right in the middle of the opening to the room. He stared over at me, looking at me like I was fresh meat. "Who might you be?" I walk a bit closer to his cage, acting nonchalant about everything. "Depends on who wants to know."

"Loki, the God of Mischief wishes to know." I purse my lips. "Hmm," I tease, "I don't know. I don't think my boss would like me sharing that information." He smirks, his eyes looking me over. "You don't seem to be one who follows the rules. Besides, what harm would giving your name away do?" I give him a playful look. "Fair point. I'm Jackie." He nods, a grin spreading on his face. "Very nice to meet you, Lady Jackie." I raise an eyebrow. "What is it?" He asks. "You don't seem very menacing for a guy who killed eighty people in only two days." He chuckles, eating up my ignorance. "Would you prefer for me to be menacing? Because I can be." I shook my head. "Nah, that's alright. I think you have a lot of people convinced that you can be already." "Including you?" "I'm not sure. I don't really pay attention to what everyone talks about." He raises his eyebrow, his eyes sending off a mischievious gleam. "And what do you do instead?" I half smile, my eyes staring back. "Let's just say I happen to do things that caused me to be on Fury's bad side. Also, I mostly focus on myself. I think I am far more entertaining than any low life here." He blinks, the same look on his face. "I think I like you already, Jackie." My smirk begins to show at this point. "It's strange how often I get that. It just proves how right it is for me to focus on myself." He chuckles again, beginning to pace in his cell. "But that's enough about me," I speak, "Tell me about you." He looks over, his eyes sending a dangerous glance. "Curiousity killed the cat, Jackie." "And I could easily go to Thor and have him tell me about you," I explain, "But I bet half the things he would say, you wouldn't agree with. But, I would believe him because you would never tell me what's right. It is your call though." I turn and begin to walk out. "Wait," I hear him from behind me. I turn back, my infamous smirk resting on my face. "You're good at this," He praises. "Eh, it's one of my talents, I guess," I act modest.

"If you must know about me," He starts, "I was born to be a king. If it weren't for Odin and Thor, I would be on the throne of Asgard right now." "Then, why are you here? I would think that Asgard would be pretty far from here." I urge for him to answer. "I let myself fall from the Rainbow Bridge and into space," He continues, "Eventually I ended up here." "So, now you want to take over Earth or something?" I ask. "Pretty much." "If you ask me, that's not a very good plan." He scoffed, giving me a dark look. "Then how would you do it?" "Listen, the walls have ears-" "The walls have ears? What kind of sorcery is that?" I sigh, shaking my head. "It's an idiom and-" "What the hell is an idiom?" I let out a frustrated sigh. "Okay, not the point. This isn't the place for me to say something like that. Anyway, I wouldn't tell you." He rose an eyebrow, slightly offended. "Why would you not tell me?" I shot him a questioning look. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" I ask, "A god of Mischief and a really mischievious human making up a plan to mess up something is like a baking soda volcano." "A what?" I huff, seeing he wasn't getting it. "It's like an explosion. Not only would we cause a lot of destruction, it would probably kill us." He kept a very cheeky look on his face. "You're not willing to take the risk? Because I am." He added. I sigh. "Look, we are not making up a plan and you are staying in that cage of yours," I set the record straight. "What if I were to get out of the cage?" He tested. I looked at him and I could tell something was up. "I would only make an exception if-"

"Agent Jacquline Tagan to the control room. Now."


I look over at Loki who was smirking. "I gotta go." I turn and begin to walk out. "Will you be back?" I stop in my place and think for a sec. Then I turn back to him, a mysterious look on my face. "Only if you want me to come back." With that, I walked out of the containment unit to the control room.

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