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Adrenaline shivered up my spine every time I recalled about the death of King Devilon from a couple of hours ago. It still felt as he was still alive and that the blood stained on my clothes was anything but his. As much as my heart - only half I suppose - mourned over it, I still did not regret my decision, especially now, when I had come this far, I will definitely push through.

"How close are we?" I broke through the silence, causing Queen Alizarin to widen her eyes in a slight surprise.

"Almost." Was all she said, but it was enough for me to feel slightly nervous.

I parted the curtains in hope of revealing the path of destination we're on right now. Green vegetation filled my vision; colorful flowers bloomed occasionally;  the sun had risen a couple of hours ago. I sat back and stared - more like I am daydreaming, again - only one more thing then I'll be done.

We are travelling to the Kingdom of Emericidin: the source of my help. I will need to return the soldiers as well as an exchange of words with Father King Edwards. 

Immediately, the cart came to a halt indicating that we had reached our destination. Carefully, I stepped down out of the four-corner-cart. I watched as the guards came running to us with a confused reaction. One of my soldiers whispered something into their ears, probably about our sudden presence and they nodded in approval, extending their arms for us to move forward.

I shook my head. "Please inform King Edwards that we are here. We will not go inside."

One of the guard stayed still, failed in obeying my words. What am I expecting since a random person like me demand a meet with his King?

"Didn't you hear her?" Queen Alizarin stepped forward, bold aura dripped off her. Although she was dressed as a commoner, and not as a queen, she still portrayed her gaceful postures elegantly.

None of them move; they stood too still. Time had already been wasted more than enough, so I am not just going to stand there until I get to meet him.

"How am I supposed to meet him, then?" I spoke, letting down my pride.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched as Queen Alizarin gave me a side glance, probably surprise of my sudden let-down-of-pride.

"You will have to walk through this entrance and request for a meet with his majesty with the man in red over there." he pointed towards the front, "and it's basically your luck if you get to see his majesty."

I watched as the man in front of me shrugged off, looking at me up and down, treating me horribly as I had expected. 

I ignored his rudeness and signalled Queen Alizarin to follow me but I was stopped immediately as the man from earlier grabbed me by my arm and smirked, "No lady, only you. Alone."

You do not know who you are messing with right now.

I kept a straight expression, trying to calm myself down. I shrugged off from his grip and walked forward, alone

This all felt too familiar to be true. Walking through this entrance now, brought back thousands of endless memories. As I walked in further into the main meeting place, familiar faces of eunuch staring at me with their eyes widened. They still remembered me.  I watched as they all bowed down, greeting me. The only reason they does this is because I was King Edwards' favorites and I was almost become his wedded wife. I nodded, acknowledged their presence.

My eyes then adverted towards the King in front of me, sitting on his gigantic gold throne, eyes widened to see me, especially with blood on my clothes.

Half a heart, half a crownWhere stories live. Discover now