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Queen Magnificent Dillionio

Up until this day, my own name, my biological name sent chills up my own spine, it just doesn't feel like me anymore, it felt like that name belong to someone else, someone who's not me.

Something doesn't surprise me, it doesn't surprise me that the greatest and cruelest king of all found out about my real identity.

Instead of trembled and scared, I stared blankly at him with my exhausted pair of eyes.

"Magnificent, I wouldn't doubt one bit that you are a queen." His jaw clenched as his grip on my hair tightened, "I could see the way you move, the way you walk, the way words left your lips, the way you graciously behave, I was there, I was not blind."

His eyes darkened as he leaned in closer, "...I couldn't keep you.."

I know. You couldn't keep me, there should only be one standing on the throne, for the throne.

"Put her in the dungeon, get ready for the day of the execution."

His eyes never left mine as I was pulled against my own will to the familiar darkness.

Unlocking the cage, I was thrown harshly onto the ground. As sounds of footstep were slowly fading away, I shut my eyes tightly.

Guilt was eating me alive as I realized how weak and useless I am right at the moment, how I couldn't even avenge for my people, my country, I was a shame. I felt so irresponsible, I should have completed something along this wicked journey but I did not, I failed, I refused to follow my own path because I was exhausted. I shouldn't have reminiscing, I should have just go straight for it without any friendly emotions. King Antonio Davinsky.....you really know ways to my heart, I was devastated, I should have killed you when I had those chances, instead I blew it away because for once, I thought you were feeling it too.....even if you does, it doesn't matter anymore, if I could have one wish right now....I wish you are dead, by my bare hands. Now, this is how it is.

This is it.

"This is not it." A voice reassured.

I turned to see a very old lady kneeling beside me with her warm smile. Her turquoise heart pendant from her necklace flashed a sense of light towards my eyes. I recognized her, I remembered her. Those turquoise heart pendant and those silver-blue eyes.

I couldn't form into a smile at all, not even a bit, since my lips began to tremble and my voice began to shake.

"What can I help you..." disappointments were heard very clearly.

She still gave me her smile. This time, my brows furrowed in confusion.

What does she want ?

"You are magnificent." She said.

My eyes widened. What is she trying to imply? A compliment or my name? How does she knows my name?

"Indeed magnificent." She ended it.

A relief took over me as I realized that it's not my name that she is trying to imply.

"If ever my son could marry you." She stared at me, "it would a relief."

Oh trust me, old lady, it will not be a relief.

"My son.." she smiled, but it doesn't reached her eyes, "my son was an ordinary boy, he loved playing toy swords and knives, only later, he found out that the real ones are way more fun."

I was silent.

So she continued, "I could only admired him from afar since I am merely a person, well at least to them.."

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