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Your old model

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Your old model

 Your new model and everyone who will be upgraded

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Your new model and everyone who will be upgraded.

Name: Y/n

Rank: Cyber Leader ( Basically you have back handles to see your leadership later on.)

Goal: To upgrade Renmant into Cybermen.

Ability: Durability, Speed, smarts, Hacking

Weapon: Wrist blaster and fist.

He learns in combat and teach other cybermen about melee too.

Info: Y/n is the only one who survived now he has to rebuild his new brothers and sisters while upgrading his new armor. Y/n decided to find another ship that crash before him. It was then he sees what humanity is fight for and threats he saw.

Ok that's it and if you want too. Put a comment if the Faunus will be like Cybermen or be deleted.

Everyone in Renmant will be Upgraded ( RWBY X Doctor who)Where stories live. Discover now