all we see is sky for forever(DEH part 1)

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In the end of early june we meet at the usual place we meet in you are always there thinking live can be worst wishing for a better one-
So guys i gather you here so you could react to some theather shows
"Great this would be so much fun
Right cass?"
"Yeah right"
"Ice lady doesn't like this"
"I was doing some advance on my project and the princess-i mean rapunzel interrupted me"
"Sorry Varian"
"Ah no worries i guess"
"Cassie i mean Cass can i sit with you"
"Yeah is no one will be sitting there so sure"
"Thanks"-varian said smiling a bit nervously
The curtains open just them and a guy in blue stripe t-shirt kakis and blonde hair could be seen
"Oh dear he seems so anxious"
"Oh i din't notice"
"Is it normal that i feel slighly identified"
"Eh no varian i guess not"said Cass trying to reasure him as Rapunzel jsut smiled warnly from her place.
*Anybody have a map starts playing*
"Oh that's his mom?"
"Yeah i believe she is,sunshine"
"And that's another mom?"
"They are suppose to go to school ?"Varian said a bit too on his thoughts
"Heidi reminds me of you raps"
"And Cynthia too sunshine so hopefull and doesn't give up just as you"
"He is high¡?"
"He is,blondie"
"I i i don't know what to say"exclaim Varian nervously
"Oh kid"
"I'm not-"
"Varian i know"
"Uhh-ok them that's alright i guess"said Varian still loss at words.
Next song :waving throught a window
"Identified again"
"I feel that way too.I believe is a great song right?"
"I guess it is sunshine"
"Uh not my style as much but is quite relatable and maybe catchy  so i will give it that"
"I guess that's good Cass"
"For forever" plays next
"Wait a minute he is he is"rapunzel said in a bit of shock 
"Lying yeah he is but oh well relatable character down i guess"Vatian said a bit sheepesly'still relatable'
Varian that's all in the past.You have make up for it and move on with your life .You did and still do your best Varian"Cass sais with a grin smile on her face.
"Tha-thanks Cassie"replied Varian with a little but sincere smile a light blush on his checks.
"Wow seems like dragon lady does have a heart"Eugene spit out.
"Eugene"said rapunzel glaring at him
"Alright sunshine.Sorry for that Cass 'i guess' I will leave you alone.Need to got with Sunshine here"he said as he lay Rapunzel on his side and smile fondly at her.
"Oh well .Next song them"
Sincerely me plays on
"Wait a minute wasn't him dead"
Magic of the threather Sunshine
"Science of threater "
Yeah right Varian
Is a very funny song
Indeed sunshine
A bit ilogical situation but yes the song is good
"A bit too ridiculous for me but i will take it"
Requiem starts playing
Oh -Rapunzel said simply a bit taken aback from it.
"I hope that if i die they won't sing this requiem"-Eugene said in abreath holding Rapunzel in his arms.
"I feel like they are singing to me as i can feel i could spit them too"-said Variana bit shaken as memories of the past replayed in his mind
"Almost the same Varian.I mean if this was from his pov i  would relate even more .What i have done did deserve some big punishment and this requiem singed for me in my funeral"
"Not at all Cass"said Rapunzel witha reasuring smile
"Rapunzel is right Cassie you may had done very bad things but just as i did you moved on in your own way but you did"
"I guess i did"she said sighning deeply before smiling at both of them.
If i could tell her starts playing
"Oh uh i-" 'feel called out'-Varian blushed a bit
"Oh this song is so sweet,but why is seems so off"
"I think i get why Sunshine"said Eugene ahrugging and humming the melody a bit.
"Cheesy for sure but i cannot say is not true what it implies
"What you mean, Cass?"
"Sometimes you keep your feeling bottle up until they break you eventually and you wish you just could have bring yourself to speak up before doings certain things"
"Totally get you on that one, Cassie "
"I believe so, Varian"
Kiss happens
"And right timing"Eugene chuckles
"Oh wow "Varian blushes even more
"Predictable"said Cass chuckling
Dissapear comes up
"Oh wow relatable and also uplighting up thanks i guess"Varian said
"I guess so too thought the wound open for a bit"said Cass with an almost imperceptable sad smile
"Are you alright Cassie ?"
"Yep Good song"
"Those armonies at the end were great really looking forward to the next one "said Rapunzel beaming
"Good song definitely"agree Eugene
You will befound plays right after
"Yes i had feel that way"
"Yes i hoped for someone to came up to me and even if at the start they let me down i-i have heal and forgive them  andmyself because i'm sure now that i -i matter "Varian said some tears streaming down his whole face.
Cass saw him line this and decide to give him silent confort in her arms as Rapunzel and Eugenw ran up to him and wrapped the fourth of them in a hug.
A little bit of time passed as Varian backed away and muttered a quietly "thanks"
"You're very welcome Varian
"Yeah kid-i mean young mam"
"Just relived that you feel better now Varian"she smiled warly at him
"Thanks Cassie
Well that 's all ..for the fist act
"First act?there's more
Yess Sunshine plays are usually wo acts.Sneaked through enough to know so.
"Hate to admit but fitzerbert is right.I'm going to-do some stuff-yeah-i'll be back soon"She said as she hurried away,earning glances of both if them
"So i have to check on some of my chemicals .I'll be back to Act 2.I pr-know so"he said nervously heading off to.
"They are acting suspicious"
"They are hinding something from us for sure them"
"You think they had-"she said smirking
"Don't hurry up Sunshine might be a lucky coincidence"
"Alright alright"she sais smiling at him before giving him a kiss on thhe lips .Eugene fondly returning it back.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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