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woohoo everyone we got top tier content and the song for this chapter is more modern. I have to admit I was a little stumped on this chapter and what to do with it.


South Kensington
Thursday, November 6th, 1968
Brian's POV

You were already at work and I went to go and see Roger and Freddie. I remember you leaving with a pep in your step and I smiled at the thought. I smiled at the thought of your lips against mine. I remember it so distinctly.

I soon arrived at Freddie and Roger's flat, and Freddie was more excited to see me than ever. "Brian! Oh, Brian! I have something I wanted to talk to both of you about... Since you two are looking for a singer... I was thinking, maybe I could be a temporary singer for Smile? I've arranged it and made room for everything; I left ibex yesterday... Due to personal reasons of course." He rambled on. "The point is, I want to help you out." He spoke to both of us. His case was convincing.

  I thought for a moment. Maybe it was a good idea. I looked toward Roger. "I'm on board with it, what about you Rog?" I asked him. He returned my gaze. "Its a good idea I think..." He said, biting his lip. "We'll have to see how your skills interact with ours and how we work as a band..." Roger said. He was right. "I agree." I spoke up as well.

"So it's settled then?" Freddie asked. "Pretty su-" Roger was interrupted by the shrill ringing of the telephone. "I'll get that.." Freddie said, walking into the hallway where the phone was.

"Hello?" I heard him speak. "I'll get him on the phone with you, sir."

Roger and I exchanged confused looks. Freddie hurried back into the room. "Brian, it's for you." He told me. I was confused as to why anyone would call Freddie to reach me.

I went out to the hallway and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said.

My father's voice filled my ears. "Hello, Brian. How are your studies?" He asked. "They're good. How did you get this number?"

"Oh, your friend told me that you guys had bedbugs and you were staying elsewhere, so he gave me this number to reach you." Of course, Roger. He knew my father called at least once a month.

"Yes, we did... Its terrible, really. I should be able to go back home on Monday." I told him. "How's your love life?" He asked. Wow dad, really delving in deep there, arent you? "It's mundane, actually, nothing serious." I told him. Of course I wasnt going to kiss and tell, we havent even defined the relationship. "I did have a bad date yesterday though..." I admitted.

"Oh? Sorry to hear. That's just what I was getting to, actually. You see, a colleague of mine has a daughter. The one you went on a date with, if I'm not mistaken. She seems like quite a nice fit for you." He told me. Oh no. I already saw where this was headed.

"You see, she was pretty rude and said she would kill herself if she was as skinny as I was... Don't think I would have a second date, Dad." I told him honestly. "I know, Brian, I just want you to marry a nice lady. And she didnt give me that sort of attitude when I met her. Her name is Chrissie, yes?"

"That would be correct." I said, fiddling with the cord nervously. "Well, I think you should give her a second chance. Maybe she just had a bad first impression." He told me. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I have no interest in this woman, Dad. She is just very rude and disrespectful and relationships work based off of respect."

"Well until you find a better fit for you, I still think she would be a good candidate to marry and even have children with. Think rationally, Brian."

"Rationality isn't getting into a loveless marrige."

"I've had enough of you talking back to me! What has gotten into you? My opinion still stands! I-" I interrupted him by hanging up and leaving the phone off the hook. I didn't want to have this conversation ruin my mood.

South Kensington
Later That Day
Thursday, November 6th, 1968
Your POV

You arrived at home and were excited to see Brian again. You had been thinking of the kiss all day and what that would make your relationship with him. You unlocked the door and walked into your flat, Brian being on the couch reading the paper.

"What's new?" You asked him. "Oh, same irrelevant celebrity rubbish." He sighed, putting the paper down. You sat next to him, putting your head on his shoulder.  "How's your day been?" He asked you, and you glanced up in his direction. "Oh, it's been good. Just a little tired, is all." You told him, giving him a warm smile. You had no idea how much he needed it right now.

"I actually have someone I want to tell you and it may make things a little more complicated..." You noticed him bite his lip. "What is it?" You asked.

"I was in a phone call with my father earlier and he went on and on about how the girl I went on a date with yesterday was a sweet girl and a good candidate for marriage." He paused, looking for a reaction on your face. "I hung up on him mid sentence." He chuckled. "He doesn't know what happened yesterday either, and I have been thinking of talking about what to make of us, but this is definitely an opposing force.." He admitted.

"Well, I am glad you're being honest with me..." You stated. "It's definitely upsetting to hear that your father is unknowingly advocating for another girl, but I'm sure if he figures out I'm back in your life, maybe it will stop?" You suggested.

"He's very stubborn, as you know... Hes probably mad at me right now." Brian told you. "I would suppose so..." You added.

"Well, what do you want to make of us, honestly?" Brian asked. You thought for a moment. "I think we should date until we see whether or not we are good to be serious with each other. I am very interested in you Brian; I can't mess up a friendship by jumping into a relationship blindly. I love you on a personal level. It would be upsetting to not have you in my life. But as for physical aspects and boundaries... You should know that if you were making me uncomfortable I would stop you." You clarified.

He took in what you just told him. "I agree with you, to be honest. I think we should date until we're sure. I love having you in my life and I'd rather have you as an unrequited love than not there at all." You felt your heart warm at his words.

  You knew this was the start of something beautiful.

nostalgia | a Brian May x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now