The Girl(Boy) Is Mine

407 16 6

South Kensington
Wednesday, November 5th, 1968

You tried to keep your cool around Brian but you were fuming. How the hell was Roger gonna get confirmation that you liked Brian then set him up on a date with another girl?

You had held on to the thought of him for YEARS, and one silly boy wanted to ruin it?!

That very morning, you went to the coffee shop as soon as possible. Roger sure was going to get a huge piece of your mind.

And as soon as Freddie and Roger walked in, you stood up from your seat. "Outside. Now." You glared at Roger.  He looked fearful and shameful as you grabbed his wrist and yanked him outside while Freddie had a confused look on his face.

"What the hell Roger? What do you have against me, huh? What the hell is wrong with you, motherfucker-" Roger interrupted you."I had reasons! Let me explain." You huffed. "Well you better hurry the hell up and explain before I pull your eyeballs out of your nostrils!"

"Look, believe it or not, Brian has been thinking of you for a long time. A longer time than you, from what Freddie told me.." He sighed. "Brian was so ecstatic that he found you a few months ago. He saw you in the same market and you didn't see him. I was there and wanted to say something, but he was too shy and didn't wanna disturb you..." He bit his lip.

"So he waited. And after a while he thought he would never see you again. After a while meaning last month. So I set him up on a blind date to distract him from this mess. Until he actually met you." He explained. "I've been trying to cancel it since last week and she got a glimpse of what Brian actually looked like when she showed up to my party. And she told me she saw you and him." He sighed, pausing.

"When she called last night, she told me she knew she had competition and wasnt gonna give him up for 'a sloppy skank like her.'" He finger quoted. You had a hard time processing this. "Your heart was in the right place... I respect that..." You huffed. "Yeah, he forgot all about the date when you showed up back into his life." He added.

"Well what do I do now?" You asked. "The respectful thing to do would be to let him have this date... But if you're so desperate to have him I know people who work at the restaurant... She doesn't knows he's vegetarian but she thinks it's freaky and unnatural. Maybe if a friend of mine could make that side of her show where she's not even willing to accept his dietary choices, he won't want her." He explained.

"Well, I don't understand what dietary choices have to do with dating... What makes you think he won't want her then?" You asked.

"You know what such unacceptance of something so small will tell him?" He asked. "What?" You replied.

"It tells him that she will nitpick at every other thing about him. Trust me, his ex girlfriend did it, and anytime he sees a sign of it, he runs." He grinned.

"You're very right Rog! What time is the date?" You asked. "6pm. An hour before you get off of work. So there's nothing you can do after work and before the date. You'll have to make sure he's gonna run back to you. He still thinks you don't reciprocate feelings. So when he comes back from a horrid date, you're gonna be the first person he tells, if you're there for him." He folded his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Your advice is very solid, Roger, but I can't knowingly sabotage his date..." You told him. "I know, that's why I will do it for you." He told you. "You're not the one who's telling the workers to tell them all the vegan specials for the night as an option. Shes gonna butt in with her opinion." He chuckled. He was right. You never noticed how intelligent Roger was.

"Oh wow... I mean, you're not wrong..." You bit your lip. "Fine, do it." You told him.

"This is why I play the field, no jealousy or hard feelings.." He admitted.

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