Be My Baby

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This is what they look like at the time of this fanfic. This is gonna be a long chapter, so bare with me.


South Kensington
Monday, November 3rd, 1968

Brian had gotten off the phone with an extermination company. You could tell he was frustrated and stressed about how he was going to pay rent and other bills. You tried to soothe him the best you could, wrapping your arms around him and telling him it would be alright.

At this point, being there for him was more important to you than advancing your relationship with him. You were still very interested in him, but didn't want to overwhelm him by making moves at every turn.

Right now, he was in the shower. Freddie had early morning tutoring and you took off work to help Brian settle in. You both came to an agreement that he would be able to stay as long as he needs, but he didn't want to overstay his welcome. You loved how polite and thoughtful he was, but you always loved being around him. The exterminator said they would be over on Thursday, and to stay out of the flat until at least Monday since they were spraying twice for good measure.

That meant seven days alone in your house with Brian.

Him there made it feel more like a home. You knew only three days together was so short but to you all of the times you stayed, thinking you wouldnt find anyone who listened to you like he did. He was back, finally. But you knew not to get your hopes up since he could leave as fast as he came. That's what happened every other time.

You started to reminisce as you made your bed.

You two were only just 9 years old when you first met. Nobody else in class had a purple crayon but that strange quiet boy. You went toward him.

"Hi. Can I use your purple crayon?" You asked forwardly. You knew what you wanted and how to get it. He looked toward you. "Yeah..." He dug into the small box and pulled out the neat, almost perfect used crayon you had ever seen in your entire life.

You put your color-by-number math sheet on the desk right beside Brian's, although that wasn't your assigned seat. You were only sitting there for a minute, anyway. You scribbled into the boxes with the number 6 in them and sighed. "This doesnt look right.." You complained. Brian took a peek over at your paper. "What do you mean?" He replied.

"I don't know... 6 was hard.." You weren't the best at math anyway. "Can I see what you got?" Brian asked. You flipped your sheet over. "Ohhh. You didn't carry the one on that one." He corrected you. "Oh!" You chuckled. "Thank you." You thanked him, handing him the purple crayon and trying to color over it in blue.

He continued to do his work and you two worked together, conversating about your favorite music. You noticed he had a diverse taste, but he really liked rock and roll. You never figured a guy like Brian liked rock music. He told you about how he didn't like the chair in the corner of his room and how he wanted to be a surgeon when he grew up.

From today on, you had liked him more than friends. You two were close as ever.

And when you told him you liked him, it was no surprise to anyone that he reciprocated. You would hold hands on the playground, and do monkey bars to impress him. He would sit by you even though it clearly wasn't his assigned seat.

But when it ended, and for a stupid reason, you grew to miss it a little. But like any little kid, you went on about your life, a little sad you lost your best friend.

Now, things were different.

You finished making the bed and cleaning up a little. Your thoughts lingered a little while you sprayed the room with an air freshener and went to retrieve Brian's clothes that you washed the previous night. You heard the bathroom door open and you looked from the small laundry space that he was only covered in a towel.

nostalgia | a Brian May x Reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now