Where Are You?

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South Kensington
Wednesday, October 30th,1968

As you and Freddie walked out of the coffee shop, you decided to have a little look at the bulliten board. Classic old band flyers, but something else caught your eye...

"Holy shit Freddie, look!" You grabbed his arm, stopping his steps. "What is it, dear? Oh, Roger's on a flyer!" Freddie exclaimed.

"No, no I'm not talking about Roger!" You said exasperated. "Do you see the cut- curly haired guy on the left? I think I know him!" You said. "Oh, Brian?" Freddie asked. You nearly imploded at the fact that you literally manifested him back into your life. "Yes, um, about him, " You said, as you took one of the strips from the bottom of the paper with the address.

"So in short.." You started. "I lived in Feltham as a kid, which is where he is from. We went to primary school together and he lived down the street from my grandma.." You paused, leading him out the door. "He was my childhood crush and recently I havent been able to get him out of my head. We never really dated in a sense but we knew we liked eachother.. Everyone after him were either bad people or deadbeat people. I could talk to Brian about anything. I know it's weird that I hang on to someone I havent seen in YEARS, but I think there was something..." You stopped your ramble and Freddie paused to take this information in.

"So you're saying you think you could be soulmates?" He smiled. "I... I think so..." You answered. "I know, it sounds so naive but I.. Everytime I think of him something happens.. Like when I was 13 and had no friends.. I missed him because I could talk to him. And then, my parents booted me off to my grandmas for a week. I didnt know until then Brian lived JUST down the road." You explained, walking closer and closer to your workplace. "Well, that does make sense darling.. As naive as it sounds, if you really think he is your soulmate or something, I support you all the way." He smiled.

"Oh, thank you Freddie. You're the best, you know that?" You smiled. He chuckled. "I try." You two chatted on until you got to your building. "Well, this is me.. I will see you later." You waved goodbye to him.


You were so jittery that day. You had come to a realization that if that flyer was in the coffee shop, chances are you two had been there before in the same room. You were there nearly daily. There was a chance that one of the other band members could've been in there with you as well... But it gave you hope that the universe was letting you know that both you and Brian were in Kensington. 

Today you had to grocery shop right after work, which is not too far from work. The shops didn't close until 8pm which meant you had about an hour to shop around.

When you walked into the grocery store, you saw a bit of wavy hair and a shy looking stature. It was the guy in the middle! You never caught his name... It definitely wasnt Brian though.

You went on about your shopping, until you heard a couple of people arguing from the next isle over. "I'm not wearing that stupid fucking mask Bri! I told you the three musketeers was a stupid idea... Why do we have to dress up if we're performing?" Your heart skipped a beat. 'It probably wasnt my Brian though... Its a common name anyway.' You thought, until you heard him speak.

"Rog, we already agreed on it! Come on now, have you gotten your panties in a twist today?" You snickered out loud, covering your mouth. You didn't doubt this was your Brian. You didnt know what to do, you froze. "No Bri! It's just.. So many girls are gonna see me! Cant I just wear a Guy Fawkes mask?" He complained. "Fine.." Brian caved in.

From what you heard, they walked into your isle and you panicked. You put the cat ears and face makeup in your basket, and now you were just looking around. "Need some help, young woman?" Roger said in a flirty tone. You nearly jumped out of your skin. "Uh.. No."  You said. "Rog, don't be so bloody rude!" Your gaze turned to Brian. He was even more good looking in person. You had hoped to bump into him, but him recognizing you in the middle of a grocery store would've been embarrassing.

Brian's gaze shifted to you, and he stared for a moment before it looked like he realized something. "Wait, did you live in Feltham a few years ago, or was that not you?" He asked.

"I did, for primary school... If I recall correctly we were in the same class. " You spoke quietly, feeling your face heat up a bit.

"Bri, hurry up! I'm gonna get everything else, you have your little pow-wow... But if you don't haul ass Tim and I are leaving.." Roger told him, as he took off. Brian sighed. "Sorry about him... But wow, I almost didnt recognize you..."

If your face wasnt hot enough, it would probably catch on fire. "Uh, yeah... About that... I, um... I'm no longer angry at you for not sharpening my pencil." You laughed. Brian chuckled. "You remember that?" He still seemed so shy and awkward. A hand went up to his curls. 'He is so handsome.' You thought. "I remember a lot of things. I think you were one of the only people I remembered after I moved." You told him. You didnt wanna let on that you had been thinking of him.

"Yeah.. After you left everything was anti climactic.. You did bring fun to everything. I mean, uh, in general, it was boring without you.  Yeah. Well uh... I have to go after my friend, so... I'll see you around?" He smiled awkwardly, holding his hand out. You shook it. "It was good to see you again, Brian. I missed you too, if that's what you're trying to say." You blushed slightly. He nodded, as his hands metaphorically sent electric shocks through your body. You were definitely going to ring Freddie after this.

You checked out after getting all of your groceries. Even after this interaction, your heart was fluttering. You carried your bags, walking with confidence and your heart filled to the brim and beating with a strong passion.


(a/n) Well, this was a shorter chapter than the last. I promise, it will start to pick up after this!

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