Gangs, Boys, Explosions And Football

Start from the beginning


    To say Tishe is a drama queen would be the understatement of the century!
"Yeeee! Ow! Aunty Nurse na! It's painful."
Nurse Chioma, popularly known as Aunty Nurse, scowled at her.
"Keep your leg one place jare, you this girl. See, if you shout again, I will just leave the leg. Na so e go stiff. You will just turn to k-leg like that."
Tishe pouted, tears glistening in her eyes as she gripped the rails of the cot as Aunty Nurse tried to pop her leg back into place. I felt bad for her. Fortunately, all I needed was an ice pack and a bit of balm on my ankle. After another few minutes of agony, Aunty Nurse was finally able to fix Tishe's leg. Now she was lying in her cot with three ice packs wrapped around her leg and she was moaning loudly every second.
"Tishe, stop it joor." I said.
"Are you the one that they had to shift her leg back into place? No. So leave me o. I have the right to moan and cry. That Aunty Nurse gan is wicked. She did not even pity somebody." she said, sniffling. I rolled my eyes.
"Isn't the ice supposed to make it feel better?"
"Shey you don't know that at a point, ice used to feel like fire. See, leave me o. Me that I'm in pain."
That was how I spent my school time in the clinic with an aching shoulder, a swollen ankle and a dramatic moaning Tishe. I heard the bell for lunch time ring and I sighed. If it was a normal day, I would be at my regular spot eating the fried yam and stew Mom had packed for me. Maybe with a bottle of Coke. But now I'm here and I have no idea how I am going to get my lunch bag from the classroom. The door to our ward opened and Mide walked in. She rushed over to Tishe's side, worry etched all over her face.
"Guy! What happened? AY told me that you were in the school clinic with a broken leg. I wanted to stab class and come over but Mr Maduka caught me and gave me Saturday detention."
Tishe giggled.
"Were you that impatient to see your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend? Who is the boyfriend o?"
"Me of course."
Mide hissed.
"Idiot. What happened?"
"My locker blew up while I was trying to open it. I guess Kunle was trying one of those his stupid experiments and it backfired."
"Mad o. That Kunle gan is a fool. So, is your leg broken?"
"Nope. Just dislocated. Aunty Nurse has fixed it sha."
"Pele love. Shey I should buy your lunch for you?"
"Yes please." Tishe said, adorably. Mide smirked.
"Bring money."
"So you cannot even buy me lunch."
"I can. With your own money."
Tishe pouted while Mide laughed. It was strange not seeing Mide in her rude snobby mode. She was actually quite nice, I guess, with a witty sense of humor.
"Olamide na! Buy lunch for me with your money."
"Cos you're my bestfriend."
"And I'm your baby."
Mide snorted, "And?"
"And I'm the boyfriend in this relationship."
"Abi this one is mad ni. Boyfriend ko. Everyone knows I'm the boyfriend in this relationship."
"But I'm older!"
"So I'm supposed to be the boyfriend. That is if we were like, you know, gay and all. Wait, do they like have any boyfriend/girlfriend titles? Or do they just stick with the girlfriend/girlfriend thing?"
"How would I know? You're the one with the gay cousin."
I frowned. Tishe had a gay cousin? That was something I did not expect. Do we even have gays in this country? Isn't it like, a crime here?
"True. I'll ask her. Even though she said I should stop asking her questions like that, but I'm sure she won't mind. I hope."
They talked for awhile and Tishe had finally been able to get Mide to buy her lunch. She even shared some of her lunch with me. Gazelle and Caitlyn came in moments later and talked with me, leaving Tishe and Mide to themselves. Caitlyn had helped me get my lunch from the classroom and I couldn't express my gratitude more. By the time lunch was over, I was able to leave the clinic.
"Be careful on that ankle o. If it should just shift small, e don break be that." Aunty Nurse said. She wrote something down on a brown card and handed it to me.
"That's your medical pass. Use it to excuse yourself from Gym class till your leg is healed."
"Thank you ma." I replied. I limped out of the clinic, saying a quick goodbye to Tishe. She would have to stay in the clinic till her Dad could come pick her up. Caitlyn and Gazelle walked me to class and I almost choked on air when I found out what our next class was.
Mide walked past me without a single word.
Well, snobby Mide is back.
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure why they all don't like me. Yeah, I know most people thought I was an I-too-know(The Nigerian version of a know it all). But it was like Diana, Mide and the rest of their group hated me because of something else. I just didn't know what it was.
      Coach Rogba, our buff yet block head Gym teacher acknowledged my medical pass, thankfully, and let me sit on the bleachers watching the rest of the class play football(soccer). Caitlyn was fast and skilled in it. Gazelle not so much. Okay, that was putting it mild. She was horrible! She was on Caitlyn's team of four and I could tell that Gazelle's poor performance irked Caitlyn. She was practically gritting her teeth and tugging at her hair. Her team was still in the lead, but I guess it was just the fact that Gazelle kept kicking the ball out of the field that got to Caitlyn. They were down to the final round and Caitlyn's team was one of the two teams to reach the final, despite Gazelle's terrible game play. Caitlyn could have had a chance to win, if the other team didn't comprise of AY, the sports prefect, Annabella, the captain of the school's boys football team, GB, a football pro and Tife, another football pro.
Caitlyn was completely toast.
Obviously, she knew cos she groaned as she sighted the team she was playing against.
"Argh! Seriously? Forget it, we forfeit."
"No forfeiting Blossom!" Coach Rogba shouted and blew his whistle. I watched the game play out and felt bad to Caitlyn. She was being totally whipped down there. Gazelle fell over a dozen times, with Coach Rogba yelling at her to 'Walk it off and stop being a fool'. In all, they lost and Annabella's team won 5-0. Caitlyn stomped into the showers, angrily with a tired out Gazelle behind her.
"Hey Adelanwa!"
I looked down to find Tife and Annabella walking towards me, smiling.
"Heard what happened to you. You alright?" Annabella said.
I nodded.
"I'm fine. Just a sprained ankle."
"Eeya, sorry ehn. Hope it doesn't hurt too much."
I shook my head. They sat beside me. Annabella wore a blue Black-Pink themed tank top, a pair of black jean shorts and blue running shoes. Her long black hair was braided and tied up in a ponytail with a blue ribbon. Tife wore a white T-shirt, black Manchester United shorts and white converse. They both wore matching cowrie wristbands. Must be some sort of couple thing.
"Thanks for the concern Annabella."
She grimaced.
"Abeg, don't call me by my full name. Just call me Abella."
I smiled.
"Alright, Abella."
She grinned.
"By the way, we're glad you finally talked back to Diana and her crew. But mainly to Diana. The others are just trying to protect their friend but that Diana, she has problem."
I shrugged to conceal my shock. What is it with people being on my side nowadays? It's getting creepy.
"It wasn't really me that did the talking. Caitlyn and her cousins were the ones that stood up to them for me. So."
"Either way, we're glad. She deserves to be put in her place and reminded that we're all equal." Tife said, rubbing his face with his green towel. I smiled and the closing bell rang.
"Guess we should get going." Abella said standing. I nodded and stood as well.
"Nice meeting you two." I said, genuinely. They smiled and Abella gasped excitedly. She whispered something into Tife's ear. He smiled and shrugged. She squealed and took my hand.
"Tife's dad owns a club on the west side of the estate. They're having a sing-off tonight by 10. Wanna come? We could come pick you up."
I smiled.
"I'm not really one for late nights."
That and Mom would never let me go, and I have a lot of notes to complete and tons of homework. I just don't have the time.
"I'll think about it."
"Don't think about it, just come! Please!" Abella pleaded and Tife nudged her. I smiled.
"I'll try."
"Bamgbose! Okoye! Adelanwa! Get off this field before I drag you out!"

Wait, before you kill me, I have a good excuse for not updating all this while.
It's called work.
Yeah, work has been soooooo hectic and all.
I'm sorry.
Oh! And thank you! We're now at 100+ reads!
I'm so glad. I couldn't have done it without you my readers. I love all of you and I promise to try to be punctual in my updating. Thanks you guys!
I love y'all.

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