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"I hate your outfit." The smile I had dropped and I blinked twice at his rude remark.

"Okay?" I replied raising an eyebrow and pursing my lips together.

"Can you clean?"


"Can you cook?"


He looked at me for a second before looking away and back at the papers on his desk. "Once you leave this place, the lady outside Clara will show you to your room."

"I got the job?" It was that easy to get the job? This seems fishy.

"Were you not expecting to get it? Did you come for an interview without hoping to get employed?" He asked with a blank expression.

"No sir. You hired me so quickly and so I was a bit taken aback. I'll do my best, working for you." I said to him with the same professional smile back on my face.

"Here." He ignored what I had just said and handed me a thick folder that sat on his desk. I opened it and briefly looked it over. The content of the folder was a schedule that showed me the times I would wake up, shower, times I spend doing the chores, cooking, and so on.

"I barely have any time to rest!" I said, closing the folder and he raised an eyebrow at me. "Sir." I completed.

"Oh, my apologies. How could I not give you enough time to rest?" He gave me a smile and the corners of my lips began to rise when he suddenly said.

"Did you come here to rest or to work your arse off? Perhaps I should employ someone more fit for the job. You're quite lax." He said with an annoyed look.

"No sir. I didn't mean to say that." I quickly rushed out and he placed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"You may go. Work starts tomorrow and don't even be a second late." He no longer looked at me and I could tell the conversation was clearly over between us.

I left his office and walked down the stairs. A lady that looked a little older than my boss was in the kitchen cleaning the counter. She had dirty blonde, shoulder-length hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, you must be the new maid. I'm Clara." She stretched out a hand and I shook it.

"I'm Louise. It's nice to meet you, Miss Clara."

"Please just call me Clara. It's nice to have a new face around here and some additional help. Come on, let's get you to your room.

I followed her as she walked down the hallway and stopped by a door.

"This is the room that you'll be using. You'll have to live in the mansion as you work. If you need anything, let me know." She said and walked back down where we had come from.

I couldn't work from home but I had to work while living here. Mum isn't going to like this.

I walked inside the room and almost let out a gasp. It was a mansion, after all, I don't know why I was so surprised.

This room was three times bigger than mine at home. It had a king-sized bed, a way bigger closet, and a full-length mirror.

I had to cut my admiration short because work started tomorrow and I was far from prepared. I exited the room and the house and made my way to my house to break the news to my mum.

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