I beg your pardon?

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It has been weeks since I last spoke to Dré. Ironic isn't it? We see each other every day but I try as much as possible to avoid him and not limit the conversations with him ever since that day.

I'm as surprised as you. I have not been fired, what?!

"And I will not call you master!"

"Argh. Why why why did I say that? " I cried out twisting my body and stomping my feet on the floor like a baby throwing a tantrum.

What happened next was the most shocking part. Mr. Charlie didn't call me into his office. Not even once. In fact, it seemed like he had been avoiding me just like I had been avoiding Dre. But I was going to have to meet him and apologize.

He is my boss after all.

After two weeks of not owning up to my mistake, I think I'm finally ready to do so.

"Louise." I gasped and turned around, backing the sink as I was faced with the one face I didn't want to see.

See what I did there? Not now inner conscience.

"Please don't run away." I sighed and rinsed my hands. I had to talk to him eventually. He must've decided to confront me today too.

"Dré, I'm so sorry for leaving you in the heat of things and ignoring you for a very long time. I just don't think we should see each other much since the boss said-"

"Louise." He cut me short and I looked at him guiltily.

"I know I know. I haven't been very mature in dealing with things an-"

"Louise! It's okay. The master is fine with it." My eyes must have popped out of my head cause Dre was looking at me weirdly.

"You're kidding?" I asked utterly shocked.

"I spoke to him after you left that night and he said he's fine with it as long as I don't 'put you out of commission.' He's really something." Dre chuckled.

My cheeks flushed red at the last statement when I understood it.

I sighed in relief. "I'm glad he's okay with it. I honestly didn't want to keep my distance from you." I confessed.

"I didn't want to do that either." Dré smiled and pulled me into his arms.

I rested my face against his chest as I breathed in his scent. "Now I still have to apologize to him and be grateful. He did let me keep my job after all."

"At least he's not going to fire you and that's the worst that could happen." Dré pulled me out of his embrace and looked at me.

"Yeah. Now if you excuse me, I have to finish doing  the dishes and give Mr. Charlie his dinner." I said pushing away from Dre.

"Want to come to my room later?" Dré asked wiggling his brows and causing me to laugh aloud.


"You'll see." He said in a serious tone.

"I'll think about it." I smiled and pushed him away playfully.

He pouted and then made his way out of the house. I then began to wonder what the two of them had discussed for Mr. Charlie to mellow down.

*Knock knock knock*

I had prepared some mashed potatoes and steak and had a glass of apple juice beside the plate on the tray, which was also Mr. Charlie's favorite.

I heard a light come in and entered the study quietly. "I've prepared medium rare steak with some mashed potatoes and a glass of apple juice.

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