
437 18 30

T.W: Physical Abuse.

Charlie's Pov
I was the kind of kid who had everything handed to me on a silver platter. Born as the heir to the family fortune, I was groomed and trained from when I turned 5.

I only came in contact with people in my class and ranking. Father strictly forbade me from making any friends, except those that were the kids of his prospective business partners.

You could say I didn't really have a childhood and my mother didn't make it any better. She was a very beautiful and famous model when she was younger. She got married to my father and became his trophy wife who clung to him, everywhere he went. My parents had employed two nannies/caretakers when I was born. One of which was Mrs. Clara. She had been the one taking care of me emotionally since then.

If I'm being honest, she was more of a mother to me than my actual mum. She took care of me from diapers to adulthood while my mother took pictures with my father on red carpets.

And then there was André. As an only child who bore the weight of my family's success, I was secluded from other kids and craved playing and fooling around with my mates.

Mrs. Clara was employed when I turned 6 and brought along her son with her because he was around my age. My parents allowed it because they had a lot of trust in her and that was the two of us became the best of friends. We spent years growing up together and were technically brothers at this point.

But once I clocked 18, my parents placed me, Mrs. Clara, and André in this mansion saying I needed to learn to become independent from him and my mother.

My father then told me it was time for me to stop acting like André and I were on the same level. We were far from that, he said. He then employed André as my personal driver and told me to start treating him as nothing higher than that.

Of course, I didn't listen to him. I couldn't do that to my best friend.

One day, my father got word that André and I were playing pool together and hanging out one night after work.

I later found out he had asked someone to spy on me, take pictures and make reports on me and my whereabouts to him daily. So I wasn't really independent from him. All my movements were being monitored by him secretly.

I got home that night and saw him sitting in the living room. He had never visited the mansion since he placed me here, so it was a huge surprise for me.

"Father. You would've told me you were visiting. I would've made arrangements." I stood in front of him, saying with a small smile.

"Were you with that kid?" He said coldly.


"And you better not lie to me." I looked at the floor and back up at him.


"We just played pool and ate dinner. It was after work so-"

Before I could finish my sentences, he got up abruptly and struck me across my face.

The impact made my head turn to the left and I remained in that position for a few seconds. I turned my face towards him and the ever-permanent frown he had was on his face.

He slapped me again and again and again.

Once he had released his anger, he straightened his jacket and breathed heavily. My hands were held behind my back and tears pooled in my eyes. I felt a liquid at the corner of my lips and slightly licked it. It had a faint iron taste.

I was bleeding.

He brushed his hair back and composed himself. "You're lucky it was I who saw you two together. You have an important deal signing coming up, you shouldn't be hanging around with bottom feeders." My eyes widened as he said that. He used such vulgar words in describing my friend and his mother.

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