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So, unfortunately, I didn't meet up with Dré that night. I was too tired with all the thoughts I had concerning my new job that immediately after I was done in the bath, I blacked out on my bed.

The week flew by very fast and Saturday was here already. Again.

What was it with Saturdays and being so stressful?

I can't lie, I was terrified. Terrified isn't even a suitable word to describe how I felt. I was going to be mingling with other rich people like Mr. Charlie and didn't know what to expect. Kind of like going into uncharted territory.

I stared at the mirror admiring the figure that looked back at me. "I impress myself every time." I grinned twirling in the green dress. The shade looked pretty on me and I made a mental note to purchase more green clothing.

"Knock knock." A voice that I was now used to hearing, broke me out of my thoughts. I didn't have time to look at the door because I was engulfed in a bear hug that dissipated just as quickly as it came.

"Woah." Dré was now obviously checking me out like he always did and made my cheeks flush red.

"Scarlet, you look even more beautiful today." I smiled and twirled once more in the dress as it glistened.

"It's such a pretty dress. I can't believe Mr. Charlie was the one who got it. Safe to say he has a great taste in fashion." I looked at Dré and saw a frown make its way to his face.

"I doubt he handpicked it. Probably one of his stylists. Still, he seems to have taken a liken to you."

"You did say I was his personal favorite." His frown grew deeper and I laughed at his expression.

"Come on Dré. I'm only teasing you. Besides, he got the dress just because he claims I have horrible fashion sense."

"He also made you his personal assistant."

"I haven't told you yet, so how'd you find out?"

"The master does tell me everything." He said with a smile.

I placed a small kiss on his lips and pulled away. "What was that for?" Dre asked looking a little disappointed at the length of the kiss.

"That was to shut you up. Now, sit here-" I pushed him to sit on my bed, "and wait for the final look." I winked at him and carried the shoe box, gloves, and my makeup bag with me to the bathroom.

I quickly applied some mascara to lengthen my short eyelashes and brushed my ginger brows. Then I took out my most expensive makeup item. A red lipstick.

You must be wondering, what's so special about this lipstick, right?

Well, it was almost identical to my hair in terms of color and wasn't a shouting red. It was more in between burnt orange and red and was sold for a solid £45. I don't regret my choice at all. It was basically love at first sight.

I applied the lipstick over my lips and didn't need to apply it more than once because of the pigment.

Perfection. The color was just so vibrant and beautiful.

I released my hair from the band I tied it with and brushed it quickly. I had pre-prepped my hair earlier in the day, by applying some hair products to it. Now, it was easier to brush and the curls were still defined.

I re-tied my hair but in a neater way than before, plucking a few hair strands to frame my face. Picking up the gloves from the marble sink, I wore them and took out the shoes, slipping into them with ease. I was now ready for the event and briefly looked at the mirror, sighing. "I hope this is good enough for that arse."

Taming the MasterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora