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Trigger warning: There is mention of abuse in this chapter. I will put a warning before it comes up as well, but if you need to please skip this chapter.

---flashback to an hour before the boys meet---

Draco paced the length of his room, nervously awaiting his mother's arrival. When he heard approaching footsteps he sprang to the door and flung it open.

"Have you found out how to cure me?" Narcissa looked at her son with sympathetic eyes.

"Draco, that mark cannot be cured. Its not an illness, its a soul mark." Draco's mouth hung open. A soul mark. A soul mark? No one has seen a soul mark for centuries, millennia even. There was no way Draco was going to believe he had a soul mark. "According to ancient tales, your mark is the Aeterni meaning..."

"Eternals. How can that be. Soul marks have been extinct for - forever. And why me?" Draco started to panic. What if this was deliberate. No one would have a mark like this. Did that mean Draco will be alone for...eternity?

The sound of a cane hitting the stone floors pulled Draco out of his panicked state. He pulled down his sleeve to cover his so-called 'soul mark'. When he looked up he was face to face with his father. He had an emotionless expression, which made Draco sick to his stomach.

"So. What is wrong with you?" The venom in his voice matched that of a snake. Draco winced, pulling the sleeve lower down his wrist. Narcissa spoke up with a shaky voice.

"Lucius, he has a soul mark. It is incurable. Until he finds his mate, he will feel more and more pain, tenfold what he has already."

"Why me." Lucius mutters, staring at his son in disappointment.

"You think I wanted this, Father?  I have been in constant pain since my birthday, ever since this damn thing showed up. Now I find out it is a soul mark of all things. These are extinct. DO you know how it feels to have your future ripped away from you. I will never find my soul mate because he doesn't exist." Draco was almost in tears. Lucius looked fuming.

"Did you say he?" Lucius spat. Draco turned pale and had to grab onto the door frame to keep himself from falling. Narcissa looked at her son with disgust, all former pity burned. Lucius took a menacing step forward, causing Draco to stumble to the floor. 

Trigger warning

Lucius raised his cane and brought it down on his son. Draco cried out at the metal snake head pierced through his shoulder, leaving fang-like marks. A punch to his temple blurred his vision and brought a ringing to his ears. More punches could be felt on his stomach and chest, but Draco could barely breathe let alone fight. 

"You" Punch "Disgust" Punch "Me". 

The punches became so hard they broke skin. Draco kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Narcissa stood at the doorway and watched the events unfold, not wanting to be on the recieving end of her husbands wrath.

Draco coughed up blood which quickly drew Lucius from his rage. He started shaking at the sight of his son. Without another word, not even an apology, Lucius staggered out of the room, bloodied cane in hand. Narcissa felt obliged to follow, leaving her son helpless on the floor.

No more trigger warning

"Dobby" A strangled whisper escaped his throat. Dobby appeared with a crack.

"Master Draco, oh my what happened to Master Draco." Dobby muttered a few charms, healing up the gashes in his shoudler and leg. He then turned his attention to the alarming broken nose. "Episkey!" Draco whimpered in pain as the bone clicked back into place. Dobby helped his master up, helping him over to the bed.

"Dobby, please go find out what my father want to do with me." Draco whispered barely audible. Dobby nodded and disappeared. An angry roar could be heard from across the mansion. Dobby appeared a few seconds later.

"Master draco needs to go. Master Draco needs to seek help." Dobby said, handing Draco his wand which was laying on the dresser. 

"Why Dobby? What is he going to do."

"Terrible things, Master Malfoy wants to do. Terrible terrible things. Please go. Go to Harry Potter. Harry Potter is my friend. Harry Potter will help you."

"No Dobby! I can't go to him. He hates me enough as it is." But Draco's pleading wasn't enough. Dobby snapped his fingers, sending Draco of to meet the Gryffindoor who loathed him.

He arrived in Diagon Alley. It was pitch black except for three or four street lamps along the pavement. He caught sight of a small figure, head bowed and walking fast. 

"Potter!" The man's head snapped round, revealing the face of his nemesis.

'Shit, I didn't think this through' He thought as he heard Harry shout something then proceed to draw his wand. He looked furious. Well it would be expected when the father of your arch enemy works for the guy who tried to kill you multiple times, basically making your life hell for 17 years.

Draco swallowed the lump in his throat. "I need your help."

"Did Draco Malfoy just ask his nemesis for help. Are you okay?" Harry asked with mock concern. Draco glared daggers at him, wiping the smirk of the brunette's face. Draco's face softened a bit at the fear he installed, but kept his voice firm.

"Yes I did. Its about my father. Would we be able to go somewhere," Draco looks nervously around as if someone was watching him. "Somewhere more private."

Harry was about to make a sarky comment, when he realised the look of fear in Draco's steely grey eyes. Harry nodded, taking a step closer to the older boy. Draco clasped Harry's hand and quickly disapperated out of diagon alley.

They landed in the middle of the forbidden forest. "Sorry, its the first place I thought of." Draco mumbled apologetically. In the moonlight Harry could see an array of cuts and bruises across his face and arms. It also became evident that he was walking with a slight limp.

"Draco, what happened?"

"I think my father means to kill me."

Draco said it with in such a matter-of-fact way it took Harry by surpirse. "Come again?"

"Please don't make me say it again." Harry's eyes widened further - if thats even possible. he squeezed Draco's hand, which he didn't realise he was still holding. Draco looked at their intertwined hands, then up at Harry. He gasped when he saw pure white runes appear across harry's forehead.

"Show me your arm."

"What?" Draco rolled his eyes and pushed up Harry's right sleeve. As Draco imagined a white mark was glowing on his forearm. "It's you." Draco breathed in awe.

"Draco what is that?"

"Its a soul mark." Harry looked at him increduously, a sharp laugh escaping his throat. "Very funny draco. Now what is it?"

Draco replied by lifting up his own sleeve to reveal a dark grey mark identical to Harry's.

"We need to go to Hermione."

Draco didn't need to be told twice. Harry dissapeared back to the Weasley burrow, hand in hand with Draco.

He should feel awkward, any other time he would push him of or punch him. But now he didn't know what he wanted. And he didn't know how to feel about that.

Draco on the other hand was internally screaming at himself to let go of his hand, to run away and never look at him again. After all being gay, liking Harry is the very reason his father beat him. The very reason Draco is running for his life.

Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could not bring himself to do it. He didn't know why.


Wow ok this was a long one! I hope you are enjoying this so far!

Any suggestions or questions are welcome here! I live constructive criticism!

Until next time
~ Charlotte

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