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I might pay a visit there myself in the further, just to assure myself that that little son of a bitch, Jamison, is locked up tight where he belongs.

Ezra's Father was a part of the ruthless murder of Ezra's own human Mother. It's a messed up situation to say the least. I wouldn't mind my Gamma leaving for a week to go pay the old Councilman a visit in his jail cell where he rots to this day.

"No, I don't want to see his face ever again." Ezra explains, leaning forward with a glare as he thinks of his biological father. "And I don't want to leave Klepto here to deal with the boys by herself. I have a family now. I don't need him. He's basically a stranger to me. Just because we're related by blood doesn't make us family."

He finishes his rant with a nod of his head, seemingly secure in his decision. I respect it.

"Alright. Well, then I guess we can both go home to our families then." I offer, already closing my laptop with a smack and standing, ready to unwind after a long, stressful day. I'm going home.

"You read my mind." He replies, all but jumping out of his chair. I chuckle, following Ezra out the door and into the fading light of the day as the sun slips past the mountains.

We're heading in the same direction, and he turns to me to disrupt the silence.

"So, you adopted that kid huh?"

I smile, thinking of Keifer and not being able to stop myself from feeling relief at having him in our home. Even though I was reluctant at first, I'm glad that we adopted the little boy. There's something special about him. I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Yeah. We adopted him." I supply, looking ahead at the few houses scattered among the trees throughout the pack, cradled by the towering mountain range surrounding us.

I look up to see Ezra appearing thoughtful, his mouth twisting to the side.

"Are you going to tell him about his past?" He asks suddenly, and I find myself stumped. I haven't thought about it much, and I suppose I'm more the fool for it. I've only been focused on giving him a safe, loving home.

The future seems so far away now that I want to enjoy the present.

"I don't know, what do you think?" I tilt my head at Ezra, and he shrugs. "You're more experienced when it comes to it, so what would you have rather had your parents do, if you had the choice?" I press.

Ezra looks away.

"I honestly couldn't tell you, but I feel like he has the right to know, at least when he's older." I nod, agreeing with him, but not knowing what exactly I'm going to do with the information.

When should I tell Keifer? How would he react? Obviously he's too young to understand something of that magnitude right now, but kids grow fast, and before I know it he'll be matured. I can't picture the 4 year old growing into an adult. One day he'll be a full grown lycan male. It's hard to picture.

It's even harder when I realize all that will happen between now and then. I had no idea how much stress this new child would bring. I already feel like I'm doing everything wrong.

"Does it go away?" I ask Ezra, and his brows furrow.


"The fear that you're going to screw them up."

Understanding dawns in his eyes. Humor sparks, and he laughs, a deep sound that echoes through the air.

"I'm not sure. It's definitely fades, but I have my moments of panic." He muses, and I know that it hasn't been easy on Ezra to take in his mates' little siblings. The werewolf boys are a handful, and already love their makeshift parents.

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