Chapter 47: The Rage of the Storm

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I grabbed her wrist that was holding mine and turned her around so that I can wrap her own arm around her neck. 

"I only respect people who actually deserves respect, and women aren't entitled to that, whether you're an old lady or a baby or a spoiled brat, I will hurt you if I need to, bitch."

She coughed and clawed on my arm but I didn't give in. I only released her when her grip weakened. 

I shoved her back which made her lose her balance. She coughed, clutching her throat before glaring daggers at me. 

"You'll pay for that." She said before advancing on me but some teachers passed by us which stopped her from her tracks. 

"You were saying?" I mocked before walking away.

I peeked through the curtains just as Riley wrapped up the intro. She entered backstage and smiled at the two of us.

"You two ready? I'm gonna present you now!" She said before returning to the stage.

Just when Rhea looked like she was about to undermine me, Riley has welcomed us already.

I stepped out and smiled as the crowd went wild. Rhea embarrassingly staggered into the stage and clumsily stood at her spot.

"That's my boyfriend!" I heard Hunter screamed which earned a ripple of laugh through the audience.

"It's time for you two to present your case! Theodore Willshire, you will go first." Riley said, gesturing at the podium. 

I smirked at Rhea before taking my place. "Everyone! I have an announcement to make first!" 

Murmurs resonated from the audience as I flashed them a cool smile, trying to stop my hand from shaking as I gripped the sides of the podium.

"My co-candidate right here." I pointed at Rhea who's visibly panicking as she glared at me. "Is a liar and a criminal!"

Gasps resounded from the audience, joined by Rhea's voice defending herself.

"That's preposterous! You don't even have evidence!" Rhea exclaimed.

I turned back to the audience. "Here is my evidence!" I said before gesturing at the screen just beside the stage. I looked at Cielo who had a tablet in his hands and nodded.

The video started playing in the screen.

"Do you realize now, Theo? I was the one who was behind the beating up!"

The audience gasped while Rhea was already throwing fit.

"I was behind that spray painting incident, too!"

"NO! That's not true!" Rhea said.

She started to run towards me, her eyes burning with hatred but Riley held her back.

"You're not going anywhere, you monster." She said as Rhea struggled against her grip.

"You're so stupid. I gave you a work that's the same as mine and I informed the teachers that I had lost my work so that they'd think you stole mine! That's why they voted you out!"

"NO! That video is a set up! He's just getting revenge because of that spray painting frame up!"

I raised a brow. "So if this video is supposedly a 'set up', why do I need revenge about the spray painting frame up?" I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

She immediately went silent as the audience started booing her. I turned to everyone again. 

"I will win this election no matter what because this school is my family's! My great grandmother poured her blood, sweat and tears into building the school the way it is today! My great grandmother's name is Cameron Blue Willshire!" 

There was ripple of shocked gasp and murmurs from everyone but I stood my ground.

"This tyrant, pathetic excuse for a human will destroy everything and I will not let it!" I said, pointing at Rhea who was crying as Masha and Riley kept her from doing anything. "If you don't want this school destroyed, I suggest that you support me!" My voice echoed through the silent auditorium.

Amidst of everything, an oddly familiar woman steps out into the stage, her looks very similar to Rhea's. Before I could even warn them, she had knocked out Riley and Masha! 

"Mother?!" Rhea said as her alleged mother grabbed her by the wrist.

"You pathetic girl! I have to clean up your mess. Let's go!"

And then they fled. I rushed over to Masha and Riley, shaking them awake.

"Are you two okay?!" I asked, my tone etched with concern. 

Masha's eyes fluttered and met mine for a moment before pointing behind me. "Chase her." She said.

I looked behind to see Rhea's dress getting caught on something. I stood up, a glare forming on my face as I looked at my friends who looked just as concerned as me and nodded.

I gestured them to come with me and we started to chase them. The two of them fled the building and behind the school. I saw them enter the hedge maze and with no hesitation, I blindly followed them while my friends followed behind me. The moment we were in the maze, the entrance we just came through was blocked. I didn't pay mind and listened at any sound Renza and Rhea might make. 

When I rounded the corner, I saw Rhea standing behind her mother while Renza stood coolly, like she was waiting for me.

"You." I said, matching the glare Rhea had.

"Theodore. I knew you'd run after us." Renza's voice was cold and frightening, a chill running down my spine. 

I was about to retort with a witty comeback when I realized what she had said. "Wait... but that means..."

And then everything turned black.  

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