Chapter 195

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Chapter 195: Divine Spear Sefarim

Despite what the girl said, Edward could tell that she was feeling a little awkward.

And how are they supposed to use the wood elves’ greatest treasure, anyway? Pick her up and throw her at the Drake?

Edward really could not imagine any other outcome aside from letting the Drake having a tasty meal.

“But it’s not like you could use her even if Sefarim had allowed your band to use her—only the most faithful of Luna’s believers who had been blessed by her could!” Brom Daystar interjected just then, although there was a slight sense of schadenfreude to his words. “And it’s too late for you to become converts of the Silver Moon Goddess, just as I regret to tell you that no hero who could use the divine spear of the wood elves had appeared amongst our own tribe for the last hundred years!”

Brom’s words left Edward troubled.

In this realm where the gods indeed existed, the toughest problems are undoubtedly problems of faith.

Naturally, Edward and his party could not be ordained as temporary convert, because that would at once affect their identity as Players and the God of Games’ existing blessing they held. No matter what happens, they cannot switch sides so simply.

And just as Edward hesitated, the Drake which had dropped out of sight for quite some time had suddenly appeared, grabbing the nearest elf with its jaw and lifting him into the air. Muscles were chewed and bones were crunched very loudly, and the elf was eaten even before he could scream!

There’s no time to hesitate!

But when Edward was about to take Sefarim into his arms, Jessica had suddenly stepped up and embrace the little girl instead.

“Allow me.” She said tenderly but determinedly. “It doesn’t matter what happens to me as long as Eleena’s here—our group’s strength won’t be affected.”

She then lowered her head and asked the little girl in her arms. “May I?”

“I’m fine with anyone, but hurry up.” The little girl kept a stony face that read ‘I’ll just pretend a dog bit me’, her dirty little cheeks puffed in tsundere style.

“Hold on, Jessica. Catch!” Edward threw the silver apple-like object he retrieved from the Secret Eye’s leader to Jessica.

“That’s… that’s mine! Why do you have it?!” Sefarim asked in surprise while gaping at the object.

“We’ll talk about that later. Is it useful now?” Edward asked.

“A little…” Sefarim answered vaguely with a pout. “Although I’m not sure how much of my power you could unleash, because Luna is the one who decides who is worthy…”

Then, holding the silver apple between her teeth, Sefarim’s whole body shone with gentle light.

As the light extended, Sefarim’s human form which had been within Jessica’s arms disappeared. In her place was a two-meter long spear that was sculpted with a rather curved piece of wood, upon which were a few curious protrusions where a few silver fruits that resembled the silver apple just now and golden tree leaves were growing out of. Its texture was surprisingly smooth, however, and felt like it was polished so much it would reflect a person’s face.

And it wasn’t just one, but a total of seven.

The edge of the spear was two parallel sharp tips of matchless radiance, having neither tree nor fruit but a tree limb.

In fact, the wood elves’ divine spear was more a tuning fork than a spear.

It was clearly morning, but almost everyone could see a ray of focused light descending from the skies and shone upon Jessica, who now wields Sefarim—Divine Spear of the Wood Elves!

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