Chapter 108

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Chapter 108: Sights and Sounds of the Unnamed Town

Miller Theo was a retainer of Horan Faust, the Silver Eagle Duke.

More precisely, he was the son of the Minister of Finance of the Silver Eagle Duchy, and he himself hadn’t been given any actual post yet. In fact, he had just had his coming-of-age ceremony a couple of days ago, and still hadn’t been granted the title of a knight.

Miller liked to travel and explore around the continent to experience the colorful culture and rich history that it had to offer, but because of his position as a noble, most of his travels were within the borders of the Valla Empire. Other than that, he was a rare believer of the God of Travel and Arts, Grimund.

This deity would bless his believers so that they would have safer travels, and have greater creative inspiration. True believers of this deity would also be able to easily get food or accommodation from strangers through their arts, may it be singing or even telling stories.

In conclusion, the believers of Grimund were extremely weak in battle, but his blessings were all surprisingly useful in everyday situations. Also because he didn’t have many believers, just like Xi Wei, as long as his followers became a true believer, they would be able to get a blessing…

Unfortunately, there were only a small minority of people that would travel all of their lives, and a great majority of the believers of Grimund would choose to settle down at a single place when they become of age. Other than the ones that chose art-related jobs like actors or painters, most of them would choose to believe in another deity.

After Miller’s coming-of-age ceremony, he was delegated to send a letter to the duke’s youngest son, Angora Faust who had been sent to Anurad that was near the Valley of the Tragic Dead.

Miller naturally didn’t refuse a delegation from the duke himself, so he immediately set off to the fief that was given to Angora Faust, a small town that wasn’t even noted on the map of the kingdom.

Miller had thought that even though this small place had the title of a town, it was probably just a regular village. This wasn’t a baseless guess on his part, because he had seen many similar ‘towns’ that were just glorified villages on his travels. The only reason why these villages were called towns was to obtain support and help from nearby cities.

But Angora’s town gave Miller quite a shock.

Even though this town was definitely smaller than average, and only had around a hundred townspeople, it was developed quite well, and was even somewhat… Exquisite?

This was the only adjective that Miller could think to describe this town after pondering over it for a long time.

First of all, this town wasn’t big, and its area was a simple and neat square. If Miller walked around the sides of the square, he would be able to arrive at his starting point in about half an hour.

From the outside, there weren’t even walls that marked the borderlines of the town, with only a trail of simple and crudely made wooden fences.

At first, Miller was quite disappointed in this small town, and he had even asked one of the farmers that was probably in the middle of worshiping the God of Harvest why there weren’t any walls, their answer was because it was a pain to tear walls down when the town was expanded later on.

This answer made Miller scoff. Many natural disasters had been happening on the continent lately, and many of the towns by the borders of the kingdom were only sparsely populated. It would already be a blessing to not reduce the size of the town, and this farmer said that they would expand it? Were they dreaming? He had expected this of these foolish commoners that didn’t even know how to sculpt the God of Harvest, and could only worship a strange-looking sculpture of a sphere…

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