The Still small voice

Start from the beginning

Anna nodded and headed over to the car where Henry was.

. . . .

"You know Regina Wonderland definitely isn't the place for a holiday let me tell you" Will said to Regina who had hired them to steal something for her from Wonderland.

"I am a queen have some respect" She said outraged.

"You're not our queen." Will countered

"And besides in Wonderland you never know what is up, down, left, right or upside down" Ella said with a grin

"Your mad" she said

"We're all mad here your majesty" Ella said as they both did a very fake bow and walked out of the palace.

Before Ella left "A word of warning Regina you are playing a dangerous game here without even a glimpse in the rule book." She smiled, turned and left.

. . . .

"You look depressed" Anna heard as she sat on the bench opposite the Bar, thinking about her old life, her new life and everything in between.

It was the day after the collapse of the mines, and Dr Whale had said no work until she no longer had a concussion. But Anna couldn't understand why serving drinks to people was such a big deal.

Anna looked up at her blonde roommate and said, "Whale said no work until my head was better, so I have nothing to do and it's killing me."

Emma smiled "You want to hang out with me for the day?"

Anna shook her head and said "No thanks I don't really like Sherriff's or deputy's or the law for that matter."

Emma narrowed her eyes at the girl who got up and walked off. Emma stopped and thought over what Anna had said

"I don't really like Sherriff's or deputy's or the law for that matter."

Out of everyone in this whole town Anna is the one who really acted like their character.

. . . .

Anna walked down the street, heading towards Archie's office when Henry ran out clearly upset.

He ran over to her as soon as he saw her and hugged her tightly.

Anna bent down and said "Kid, what's wrong?"

"Can we go see Emma?" Henry asked as he cried

Anna nodded and said " Of course, come on"

And for the first time in ages Anna picked him up and he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

. . . .

Henry, still crying on Anna's shoulder, knocked on the door for her. Emma opened the door and Anna set him down on the floor as Emma asked "What happened?"

. . . .

Emma dropped Anna and Henry off at the Mayors office , but as soon as she left Henry pulled her in completely the opposite direction.

"This is not a good idea Henry." Anna said, shaking her head

"Use your real voice you know you want to and where's your sense of adventure you're Ella Scarlett?"

"Fine, but keep me behind you I want to see you at all times, and please don't get hurt or your Mother will murder me, I've had enough of her family killing me."

"What?" Henry asked confused

"Huh, guess that was a new memory, your grandmother killed me, but my brother gave me half of his heart, which can only happen by true love, yes that's real, but I don't have it anymore." Anna said placing her hand on her heart.

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now