Chapter 15 - The Triwizard Tournament

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With classes starting back up, life became relatively busy again. It seemed that Asha and Snape had come to an unspoken agreement to never speak of their time together over the break. Though Snape now held higher expectations of her in class, and as a result of determination and practice, Asha was becoming much more adept at maintaining focus and discipline during potion brewing. She had shot to the top of the class, though still behind Hermione Granger of course. One thing that remained unchanged was the quality of Asha's homework essays, which still lacked any form of passion or precision.

On Wednesday morning of the second week of term, Asha was eating breakfast in the Great Hall, chatting with a crowd of Hufflepuffs when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Looking around, she saw a blond-haired first year girl holding out a small scroll, looking nervous. Perhaps the story of Asha punching Professor Binn's cupboard had already become a legend among the new students. Asha smiled kindly and took the scroll, thanking the timid girl.

"What's that, Ash?" asked Matt, who was sitting opposite her.

"Er, not sure. A letter I guess, probably from a teacher," she said, shrugging. Matt and the surrounding Hufflepuffs curiously waited for Asha to open it, but she quickly tucked the parchment into the inside pocket of her robes and returned to her bacon and eggs.

By the time fifth period rolled around, Asha still hadn't found a moment alone to open the letter and curiosity was eating at her. Her mind kept drifting and as a result, she added the peppermint to her Calming Draught a little too late. Regardless of this mistake, Asha still managed to finish the potion before most of the class.

Everyone in her vicinity was still focussing hard on their cauldrons, and the room was clouded with steam and the sound of bubbling liquid. Unable to resist any longer, Asha discretely reached into her robes and pulled out the little scroll. She gave one last furtive glance around the room to check no one was looking. Luckily, Snape was three tables ahead, currently in the middle of berating poor Earnie. She unrolled the parchment.

Dear Miss Winters,

I would like to catch up with you this Thursday evening. My office is located on the third floor of the Headmaster's Tower. As you may remember, the entrance is concealed by a gargoyle who will allow you access when given the password. Kindly come along at eight p.m. I hope you are enjoying your first couple of weeks back at school.

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Dumbledore

P.S. I am a big fan of Cockroach Cluster.

Asha's stomach clenched and she subtly returned the letter to her pocket. Unfortunately, it was what she had been expecting. She took a deep breath. There was no point in worrying, either way, she was going to have to face him. Looking up, she was startled to see Snape eyeing her suspiciously. She quickly dropped her gaze and pretended to stir her potion.

With ten minutes of the class remaining, Snape prowled around inspecting their Calming Draughts. When he reached Asha's table she swore she saw his eyes linger on the pocket of her robes before staring into her cauldron.

"Disappointing, Winters," he sighed disapprovingly, vanishing her potion before moving on.

Thursday night seemed to arrive far too quickly. Asha grasped the brass Griffin door knocker, braced herself, and knocked three times.

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