Father and daughter

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The woman superheroes, including Sofia starts to fight and try to get the guantlet.  But they couldn't.  At least,  Sofia learns really fast and now she knows how to control her powers.  She wants to know what does her father have in his neck.

Sofia: Dad?

Birk: Sofia I...

With the enchatlet, she gets the thing.

Birk: Auuu.

Sofia: Sorry, what's this?

Birk: I...I can't remember anything. Who are you?

Sofia: I'm Sofia, your daughter.

Birk: Sofia?

Sofia: Yes...

Birk: My...my daughter...?

Sofia: Yes.

Thanos: You!  Girl!  Give me your amulet!

Birk: Stay back, honey.  I'm going to protect you.

Sofia: No need. *Sofia's keyblade appears* Go and hide.

Sofia starts to fight with Thanos. With her new power, her Love Power, her new keyblade, her amulet's powers and her magic enchantlet.  She is the most powerful girl in the Ever Realm.

Sora: We are here to help her, sir.

Hugo: Yeah!

Hugo kisses Sofia.

Sofia: Hugo?  What the...?

Hugo: I love you Sofia.  I'm in love with you since I first met you.

Sofia: Hugo... I... I don't know what to say.

Thanos: Awww two lovebirds...But your love is not going to last too much...

Thanos trapped Sofia.

Sofia: Hey!

Birk, Sora and Hugo: SOFIA!

Sofia: I'm ok guys.  Just, go and get the guantlet.

Thanos: You can't defeat me, kids.

Thanos steals her amulet.

Sofia: NOOOOO!  My amulet!!

Sofia loses her energy.

IMan: Maybe, but I can.

Thanos threw Sofia to the ground and Hugo runs to get her. Iron Man tries to get the guantlet.

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