A spell

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The shadow came closer to them.

??: How can I help you?

Sora: Sofia?

QMean: Wrong answer. I'm Queen of Mean.

CAmerica: Where is the boy?

QMean: Ou, you're searching for Prince Hugo? Prince Hugo of Albuquerque. You know? He really is a bully.

They hear some noises, and they follow the noise.

Kazeem: Prince Hugo?

QMean: Wow...it seems that you discover my secret. If you don't want to get hurt, all you have to do is get out of here... *makes appear her keyblade* ...now...


Sora: No...

QMean: What did you say?

P.D. By the way, this is Queen of Mean:

 By the way, this is Queen of Mean:

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With this crown:

With this crown:

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Sora: I said...no...you don't scare us. We are going to fight you and you are going to be the same as before. Princess Sofia...

Kazeem: Yeah! The sweet, kind, smart, beautiful, lovely and trustworthy girl that I met.

QMean: JAJAJAJAJA! Good luck with that.

Hulk: Wait...her eyes weren't blue?

CAmerica: Yeah...now they are green...

Nebula: I know what is that. She is under a spell. 

Sora: Is there something we can do?

Nebula: There is only one thing that can undo the spell. A true love kiss.

IMan (TStark): Yeah...of course...

Sora: I know who can undo the spell.

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