A weird trip

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Sofia and Jiminy are at the Gummi Ship.

Jiminy: Where are we supossed to go, princess?

Sofia: I'm not sure, Jiminy.

Jiminy: What?! You don't know where do you want to go?

Sofia: Not at all. I just wanted to take a fresh and travel here. wait...what is that?

Sofia points at a magic portal.

Jiminy: I don't know but it looks like you want to discover.

Sofia: Yeah! Let's go!

She directed the ship to the portal. But the landing wasn't so good. They crashed to the ground. Fortunetly, they are good.

Sofia: Whe-where are we? This is so dark.

Jiminy: I don't know, princess. But be careful.

Sofia: What is that tower?

Jiminy: I don't know.

Sofia: Let's find out.

Jiminy: Wow...you are a pretty brave girl.

Sofia: Jajajaja thanks. That so sweet of you.

Sofia and Jiminy go to the tower but very quiet.

??: I really miss them. But, I'm not ready to take care of a girl. But I'm pretty sure she is very beautiful, kind and sweet like her mother. I have the choice to see her. But I'm not sure if she wants to see me.

Jiminy: Who is he talking about?

Sofia: I don't know. Maybe, his daughter and his wife. You know? I lost my dad when I was a baby. But...wait a minute.

Sofia peeks out and she was shocked about the person she saw.

The heroine princessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang