Asthma Attack (Nathan's POV)

Start from the beginning

"Are you ill, Nathan?" Chelsea asked, "because I don't want you giving your germs to me"

"I think..." I coughed again and then took a deep breath to try and calm myself down, but made a wheezing sound as I breathed out. Definitely not a good sign.

"What the hell is that noise?" Chelsea asked, sounding confused and panicked. I just ignored her and tried to concentrate on my breathing, tried to calm myself, but my heart rate was speeding up.

"Nathan, please tell me what happening" Chelsea cried, "you're really worrying me now"

Her panicking wasn't exactly helping me to calm down. It was making me feel worse. My inhaler was in my bag, but my bag was still in the studio. I couldn't get it myself so the only way for me to get my inhaler would be for someone to go and get it for me. That person would be Chelsea. She didn't exactly seem in a good state of mind to be helping someone in an emergency, and given I was the person having an emergency, it wasn't putting me at ease.

"Nathan, please" she stressed, "Nathy, look at me"

Look at you? What the fuck's that gonna do?

"Please Nathy, what's happening? I don't know what to do" she put her hands on either side of my face and tried to lift my head up so I would have to look at her, "what should I do?"

Go away because your perfume is giving me an asthma attack, I thought, clutching my chest.

"Nathy? Babe?" She began tapping my cheek lightly, "Babe? Baby, look at me"

"Nath? You alright?"

The words made my heart race tenfold. Well, not the words, just the voice who spoke them. I don't now where she'd come from but i couldn't worry about it at a time like this.

"He's not listening to me" Chelsea said to Sophie.

"He's having an asthma attack" Sophie stated straight away. Thank God someone knew what was happening because I think Chelsea would have caused herself an asthma attack if she'd panicked much longer. I remembered that Sophie had experienced me having an asthma attack when we were in a relationship so i hoped she remembered what to do.

"Oh my God, what do we do?" Chelsea asked frantically.

"Nath?" Sophie began as she gently pushed Chelsea away from me, which I silently thanked her for, "Nath, look at me"

I lifted my head and looked straight into her eyes. Such a lovely blue colour. Like the sea. A calm, languid sea...

"Where's your inhaler?"

How does she have this fucking effect on me? I don't even like her anymore and I'm comparing her eyes to the fucking sea.

I don't even like her anymore.

She stared at me waiting for an answer. If I didn't give her one, this attack wasn't gonna get any better.

"In my..." I staggered, "my bag"

"Chelsea, will you go back to the studio and get Nath's bag?" Sophie asked her.

"Don't tell me what to do" Chelsea scoffed. I was a little taken aback by that. Sophie had asked her to get medicine for my asthma attack and Chelsea was having a strop.

"Chelsea, stop being awkward, it's an emergency" Sophie replied sternly.

"I'm not being awkward"

"Chelsea, I'm not arguing with you, just go and get his bag"

"You just want to get him alone so you can have him all to yourself"

I watched Sophie roll her eyes in annoyance. I didn't really blame her. Chelsea was acting like a dick.

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