Like by: kelseykreppel, thenoelmiller and others
Tagged: savannahmorello, bakerwright,   nadiawilliams, yen_ying and kai.reves

rosekold: Sav and I :)

devonspinnler: where r ur pants?????
           ↪️rosekold: Left them at your moms house.

codyko: blue ass water
↪️rosekold: It's hardly blue.

kelseykreppel: Cuties!!!!

yen_ying: push the t-shirt higher!!!!
↪️codyko: hey?!?!?!
↪️yen_ying: @codyko cody i'm gay

user2: she's SO CUTE 🥺🥺

user3: wish she showed up in codys vlogs more
↪️user4: IKR!! she looks funnier than cody
↪️rosekold: @user4 You're absolutely correct.

user5: she hardly smiles this is a nice change 🥰🥰

user6: shes a stone cold bitch (as she should) AND makes ur mom jokes... loml I think.

view all 2,496

Happy with her post (and secretly that Noel liked it within minutes) she sighs to no one in particular. The sun is about to go down for the night and she has no idea what to do, sure she told herself she would have a movie night but Rose debates if not her short attention span can handle it. "Hey Rose!" Yells one of her friends, Baker. "Yeah?" she replies, "there's a party in the-" fuck me Rose sighs. What is so fucking good about parties? She doesn't let Baker finish before he tells her where, "I'm not going to a stupid party." Baker sighs in defeat knowing she means it from having done this dance before. "You sure? It could be fun" she grimaces at his attempt to get her to go, thinking back to her groupchats efforts. If she was going to go anywhere it would be with her brother and older friends, they worked for it more. "I'll be fine, go have fun. No cocaine usage before 3 am." She tells him in an attempt to make a joke and lighten the mood. With everyone starting to leave she says her goodbyes and makes her way home, one thing she'll forever love about her shitty apartment is it being close to it beach.

Walking the streets of Venice at 5:30 at night was somewhat of a calming activity for Rose. Sure it wasn't that safe but like she said, adrenaline rushes are fun right. Getting fed up with looking at tourists she pulls out her phone, debating whether or not to call Cody to say she'll come. Letting the anxiety of 1. Not knowing when they're going 2. Her still having to get ready and 3. Going to a.. party she sighs at the defeat she just let herself experience and dialled Cody's number. Hearing it ring for a few seconds already she could feel the anxiety she experiences every single time.

"Hey, listen I'll come tonight but you have to let me get ready."
She immediately hears cheers from what she figured out to be her roommates, making her smile a little.
"For real? Yes of course we'll wait, why'd you change your mind?"
"Everyone here was going go to a party anyways and since you guys begged for it, I picked you."
"Or it's because you love us"
"Very funny, I'll be home in a second."
"I'll meet you at the block before our house, walking alone isn't safe"
"Okay see you soon."

Hearing the line click signifying the end of the phone call, her heart somewhat swells at her brother worrying about her. She's grateful, truely. Finally reaching the block she'd be meeting Cody at, she spots him and flashes him a smile, "hey rosie" he greets her. The siblings make casual conversation talking about their day as they walk back to the house, Cody takes this time alone with his sister and tries to talk about her and how she's going. "How have you been feeling lately?" He asks out of the middle of nowhere. Rose raises her eyebrows at the unexpected question, "okay." She cringes at herself hearing how bleak that answer is. "I've been okay, I'm a little stressed about school." She goes on attempting to open up. "Hey you'll be fine, at least take this summer to just relax. You got this Rose." She smiles at her brother, "sure" is all she says. He looks at her "I love you, you know that right?" Now this breaks her heart. Of course she knows that. She frowns a little, "really? So you practically raising me during my teenage years wasn't a good sign of faith?" He shoves her a little "shut up." Their laughter dies down as they keep walking until they reach their driveway, before going inside she says it back. "I love you too."

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