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Author's Notes

This chapter is inspired by an OK KO fancomic illustrated by Sambloom (aka hujikari from DA).


You couldn't believe your eyes. You stared at one person that you thought you couldn't see him again.

"I... I can't believe it." you were at loss for you as you stared at Venomous now imprisoned in a cage. And then, you began to freak out, "No way. It has gotta be a dream, right? I must be dreaming... Yeah, that's it. I must be. Maybe I should try by pinching my cheeks."

You used your fingers to pinch your cheeks.  Your theory however went incorrect after you pinched your cheeks to find out if it's a dream you're in or not.

"Ow, okay. I'm not really dreaming right now..."

You then stared at Venomous. Right now, he wasn't wearing his lab coat.

"How did you get here?" he asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I went to sleep before finding myself here in this strange dark place..." You began to realize something and stared down at the jade dream bracelet.

Venomous followed your line of sight and found you're wearing the jade bracelet on your left wrist.

"Who gave you that bracelet?" he asked.

"My dad gave it to me. I was told that it would take me to someone special in my dreams... Wait," you then looked at Venomous, "If you're here, then that means I'm somehow inside your subconscious."

Venomous frowned despite this very reunion.

"You really shouldn't be here," he said. "You need to leave before you get yourself hurt."

"I'm not leaving without you. Now let's see how to get you outta this cage." You tried to find a way.

You placed your hands on the bars as if you tried to bend the bars. Well, you weren't strong enough to bend these bars. Then you noticed a lock and suddenly had an idea.

"Oh I know!" you used your Shironeko form. You used a cat claw of your index finger and began picking the lock. "Let's see... Aha! There!"

You heard a click, meaning that you succeeded unlocking the door.

"Looks like I'm really a natural at lock picking." you commented. You then looked at Venomous. "Okay, you're good to go!"

However, despite that you freed Venomus, Professor Venomous himself refused as he said, "I'm not getting out."

You became baffled as you couldn't believe what Venomous said as he refused to get out from the cage.

You exclaimed, "What?! I just unlocked the freaking Cob darn cage for you!"

"Please don't make me say it again..."

You groaned and decided to do it the hard way. So you decided to get inside the cage and shut its door, much to Venomous' shock.

"What the...?! What are you doing?!" he said.

"I told you, I'm not leaving. And since you refuse, I decide to keep you company here in this very prison whether you like it or not."

Venomous stared at you, the look in your eyes were very serious. He sighed, "Fine, have it your way."

You curled up into a fetal position and stared at the cage you're now inside with Venomous.

Shadowy VenomousxReader: Loveless and WarWhere stories live. Discover now