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The day where K.O. and Carol found out that Laserblast was actually Professor Venomous had passed. The next day, you were at your apartment, just relaxing as you laid down on the sofa. Right now, you were on break because the other night ago, Carina told you that you should take a break since you'd been working so hard on dealing with glorb dealers and taking the glorbs back from them. Also, there's nothing else to do on a Wednesday evening. Not to mention, Ed just left for work at POINT.

Just then, you heard the knock from the door. You got up from the sofa and answered the door. Just when you opened the door, you looked to see who and became surprised.

"Mom?" you couldn't believe that your mother, Yori Shironeko, had come to visit you.

She had white hair with cat ears since she's the pure neko yokai. She's wearing a yukata with sandals and a haori over her shoulders.

You let her inside and you made green tea for your mother as you made conversation.

"Kurama told me that you're resting from doing business as leader of the White Moon Dragon." she explained.

"Yeah, but I will be returning as anti-glorb dealer tomorrow night." you replied.

You stared down at your tea, your reflection appeared from it. You turned to your mom and asked, "How's dad? He's been busy tending the Rainbow Dragons."

"He's doing fine. Kurama and Sonny helped as well after they delivered the glorbs you took from the glorb dealers." she answered.

You smiled before you ended up wondering if your mother was aware of that Laserblast is still alive and he became a villain known as Professor Venomous.

"Hey, Mom."

"No need to ask me about Professor Venomous. I know he's alive all this time and he's a villain as of now," she replied. "When you were still a child, your father already informed me about what really happened to his former rival."

You recalled when you were 6-11 years old and you noticed your parents talking. You asked them what were they talking about. Your father told you that his former rival Laserblast had suddenly disappeared during his mission. You were just a child back then, too young to understand why Laserblast disappeared until now.

"Are you worried about him?" she asked.

"It's just that... I can't help but hating the fact that he isn't aware that he's Shadowy Figure..." you answered.

Yori understood how you felt and comforted you by giving you a motherly hug.

"I'm sure nothing worse happens to Professor Venomous." she reassured.

"I wish I could agree the same thing with you, Mom." you gave a weak smile.

"Well, let's change the topic then." suggested Yori. "Let's see your neko yokai form."

You transformed into the neko yokai and your mother became amazed.

"Oh look at you. It almost feels like I'm looking at myself in a mirror." Yori commented.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me."

Your mother giggled as she smiled. She noticed what time it is now.

"Oh we better get ready."

"Ready for what?" you asked.

"For a visit, of course." smiled Yori.

You were told that you and your mother are going to visit Carol and K.O. K.O.'s shift ended around 6 pm along with Carol's at the Fitness Dojo.

You both arrived at K.O. and Carol's home residence.

"So this is where they live right now." stated Yori.

Shadowy VenomousxReader: Loveless and WarWhere stories live. Discover now