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Your friends waited at Boxmore as you followed Shadowy Venomous outside of Boxmore. You raised your brow in suspicion and turned to him.

"Where are you taking me?" you asked.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that," answered the villain wearing a dark purple attire with purple spiky wristbands.

"And why not?"

"If I tell you, dear, that won't be a surprise," he explained. A surprise, he said. But what kind of surprise? "I might ask you to close your eyes for a minute."

Yet again, you became suspicious. You couldn't trust this very man when you were told to close your eyes.

"I promise you, my kitten, no funny business." he "reassured" you that he won't do anything funny like trying make his move on you.

You stared at him before you ended up making a sigh. You closed your eyes, never dared to take a peek on what is Shadowy up to. Then you felt yourself being carried like a bride. You began to realize Shadowy carried you in his arms.

You don't know where did he take you until you heard him, "Okay, you can open your pretty eyes now."

You then opened your eyes and found out that you and Shadowy Venomous were in that familiar place, the Lakewood Tree sanctuary.

Of course, you're not very surprised as you turned your glare at Shadowy.

"Please tell me you're joking... You brought me here of all places where the Lakewood Tree resides?" 

"Surprised?" he questioned.

"More like unamused..." you corrected him with a displeased look on your face.

Shadowy set you back on your feet after he brought you here. Then he stared at your purple choker around your neck.

"What?" you snapped.

"So you're wearing that gift I gave you."

You frowned and coldy responded, "It's not a gift from you to begin with."

You were putting your hand over your neck as if you were protecting it. But when you did,  Shadowy grabbed your wrist and gently moved it away from your choker. He moved his face closer.

"It's been a while since I last saw you wearing it. It really suits you." he complimented.

You tried to restrain yourself from blushing unconsciously, but you couldn't stop yourself to do so.

As you were distracted by him, Shadowy Venomous had completely taken you by surprise by pinning you against the Lakewood Tree. He held both of your wrists firmly. You looked back at Shadowy, who gave you a dark smirk.

"You know, I'd been kinda impatient with you and your little hiding until I found out you had returned," he said, telling you how impatient he was since you were in hiding after the incident at the POINT Prep Festival. "But I'm just glad you finally came back."

You didn't dare to struggle in his grasp as you glared back at him.

"If you're wondering about my evil important scheme, that can wait later."

You couldn't help but having a bad feeling. Right now, at the time like this?

He then whispered to your ear, "If you're gonna run, now's your chance."

However, despite that, you didn't do what he told you. You only looked away.

"So you're not gonna run?" he noticed this as he held your face at you, making you look at him. "Then in that case... I'll make sure you won't forget this very special moment."

Shadowy VenomousxReader: Loveless and WarWhere stories live. Discover now