Chapter 5 Help and New Friends

Start from the beginning

are the only ones that understands this" "Yea I know but I know they wont judge I've known them my whole life and they wont alright" I hear a sigh then my sister grabs somethng over there and comes back inside. "Well Ty this is Christina but you can call her Christi or Chris" I look at her with the face that says 'what-da-fuq?' she looks beside her and sighs. "Chris please it's ok" then out of thin air a girl appears.

She has wavy auburn hair with blond streaks up in a high pony tail and her bangs out in front of her left eye and forest green eyes, or atleast the eye thats seen, and freckles. She has blue and pink glasses on and she's wearing a shirt like Mitchs jacket except its forest green instead of red and its buttoned. She's also wearing dark boot cut jeans and grey tennis shoes. The thing that suprised me the most was that she has two littleblack cat ears on top of her head and one has a white tip and she had a lond black tail with a white tip.


I put out my hand and say "Hi im Ty" she nods and shakes my hand slowly "C-chris" "Well its nice to meet you Chris" A small smile spreads across her face and she says "Wait your Deadlox right?" "I nod slowly and she gasps and disappears. She re-appears with a slight blush across her cheeks and says "sorry that happens whe im scared or excited or anything like that" "Thats cool how'd you do that?" "w-well I was... ya see... umm-" and with that kinda said she disappears. I look at Taylor and she says "Its a long story and she doesnt like talking about it but soon enough she'll open up and tell y'all in her own time" I nod and motion my hand for her, and if Chris is still here, to follow me to the other. She nods and follows. We get into the living room to see Mitch and Tyler behind Simon sneaking up on him and Simon not paying attention with all of his attention on his phone. Quiten in the same position as Simon and Seto reading a book in the chair on the left side of e couch with Quiten on the right and Simon on the couch. I see Chris pop up behind Mitch and Tyler with a smirk on her face. She screams "OH MY NOTCH" then disappears with a smirk and a giggle. Mitch and Tyler screams which makes Simon screams and falls off the couch. Everyone breaks out in a fit of laughter, even Chris became visible and is now rolling on the floor laughing so hard with Simon. When everyone calms down from the fit of laughter everyone looks at Chris and Taylor quizzically(Wow big wordXP). "Oh right well guys this is my sister Taylor and her friend Christina or Christi or Chris" Lot of 'hey's and 'hi's go around the room. "Right the reason im here is because of this" my sister says motioning to use. We all nod and she smiles. "Well my friend here is a level 10 sorceress and she might can help" "level 10? How is that possible, Im only a level 8" "W-well when I was in the H.O.A I had lots of time to study and learn" says Chris quietly hidding behind Taylor. "Whats the H.O.A?" asks Tyler. "The H.O.A is Hyrbid Operation Assosiation" says Taylor. "Oh... wait did you say Hybrid Operation?" "Y-yea she's a hybrid... didnt you notice the cat parts?" asks Taylor answering Simons question. "Everyone looks behind Taylor at Chris. Their eyes go wide and everything goes silent. "Chris no they don't.... they do... no they're not... stop doubting" I look away from the guys to see Taylor looking into space and Chris nowhere. I look at Taylor with the 'Whats-wrong' face and she sighs and says "she thinks y'all hate her and are scared of her" "Why?" i ask and she says "because y'all know now and y'all are kinda just starring at her like she's crazy" All the guys... girls look down at there feet or hands and a bright blush spreads across their cheeks. A rumble of 'sorry's go across the room."A hybrid and a sorceress. That's amazing" says Seto standing up and looking threw his book. "fascinating" Seto says looking up at Chris, whom was now beside him looking threw one of his books. Taylor giggles and crosses her arms across her chest "Thats Chris for ya. Shy but very curious and naughty at points, part of her cat genetics" "So why is she all shy and scared of everyone" Taylor sighs and says "well ya see when she was 6 her and her sister were taken to the H.O.A. She escaped when she was 16. She's 17 now and she lives with me in my apartment. She has a job but she has to hide her 'special' parts, same with school" I nod and look over at the guys and Chris. Chris was showing Seto some spells while the others were playing COD. We may be girls but we still love COD, who doesnt. "Well we better get yall ready for school tomorrow or we will be back tomorrow too" I laugh and nod. I call the guys or girls uhh whatever and they turn off the TV and Xbox and sat somewhere in the living room, while Seto and Chris look at us from their position on the floor. I sit on te couch next to Simon while Seto and Chris are on the floor, and Mitch and Tyler sat in the chairs "alright girlys lets get started" She motioned for Chris to get up there with her and Chris nodded and disappeared and reappeared beside Taylor. "Alright lets see first clothes then make-up" that makes everyone groan and Taylor sending everyon a glare that says 'say-anything-and-your-dead' everyone quickly stops and sits up straight making Chris and Taylor laugh. "Haha alright lets start with hmm" a smirk grows on her face and she looks towards Mitch. "Come Mitchy revenge for beating me in da hunger deans" "nuuuhhh" we all laugh and watch as Mitch gets taken into the guest room with Chris and Taylor.


Yay Chapter 5 is done now chapter 6. @NaomiGamer you'll be in chapter 6 since i saw your message after I wrote chapter 5. oh yea guys if yall didnt read my Christmas A/N then it was just telling yall Merry Christmas and asking if yall would like to be in the book or not. If yall do plz answer the questions below if not then just skip alright well I'll see yall later bbbyyyyeeee😄

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Where stories live. Discover now